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Fortuna Fortuna

Home Learning Plan

Friday 29th April 2022


Morning! Let's start with some English


To start your day off, I want you to re-read chapter 4 of Stig of the Dump.


Write down 3 persuasive arguments for and against fox hunting. (So 3 for each)





Long division with our favourite the bus stop method!

This is a nice bit of pre-learning for you to do as we will be doing this in class very soon.


Watch this youtube video and try the calculations while you watch


If you're feeling confident with it or want the challenge, there's a worksheet to try too.




For the afternoon:


This week we started our science topic of Evolution and we learnt about Charles Dawrin.

Read through the PowerPoint which gives you lots of information on how animals and plants adapt.


Then, try the task - to design your own species:
Think about species and how different animals survive in different habitats. Using one of the habitats from the PowerPoint I would like you to create a new species that could live, survive and thrive there!


