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Fortuna Fortuna

Pupil Premium, Sports Premium and Covid Catch Up Funding

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural needs of our pupils we need to be able to support our parents and carers in a variety of ways. This can mean access to the play therapist, CAFO, educational consultant for EHCP reviews and afterschool clubs

 Key principles

The key principals behind our pupil premium strategy are:

  • To support our pupils in accessing the curriculum, narrowing the gap in their learning
  • To develop our pupils behaviour management skills, exploring with them self regulation, reflection and positive behaviours
  • To develop pupils social and emotional well being



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils baseline assessments show that children are working below national expectations when they start at Fortuna


Discussions with parents and information from children’s previous education settings highlight that pupils have significant gaps in their learning due to missed education. Pupils having reduced timetables, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have caused this.


Previous traumatic experiences impact on children’s social and emotional development. Pupils Boxall Profile assessments show that children developmentally are functioning emotionally at a level significantly below their mainstream peers


Physical Intervention data, assessment data and welfare information about the children correlate and show that when pupils are experiencing trauma and disruption in their home lives this impacts their ability to access education


Pupils attitudes towards school and education are negative. The children do not see themselves as learners and struggle to be in the classroom environment accessing the curriculum. Behaviour data shows this as Physical Intervention is higher when the pupils first start at Fortuna


Pupils out of school experiences can be limited due to families backgrounds, pupils behaviours and their circumsatnces. This makes it extremely difficult for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and apply it in their learning, particularly in Literacy.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress towards Success Criteria

Pupils will close the gap in their learning, focus on the core subjects of Maths, Literacy and Science 

For 100% of pupils  to reach their predicted progress targets and 80% to meet their extended targets in reading, writing and maths


Staff will use progressive and developmentally linked plans for choosing related to the boxall profile to support the pupil's social and emotional development.


Pupils will develop targeted strands for personal development identified in their Boxall Profile assessments


All pupils to have access to the Ladybird project run by Di Hoyer (play therapist) to develop a sense of self and self regulation

All pupils will take part in group therapy sessions

Classess are on a rota timetable throughout the year

To enrich the curriculum, giving pupils real life experiences to use within the classroom setting, enhancing their spoken language and writing

Educational visits

Lincolnshire show – whole school

Activities away – Yr 6

End of year celebrations – whole school

Pantomime – whole school

Wonderdome – Keystage 2


Teachers to be supported in the development of their roles as subject leads

School Improvement Partner to support with Deep Dive experiences


Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

School Improvement Partner to complete lesson observations alongside members of SMT


Staff to develop their skills to be able to support pupils both academically and emotionally through nurture

Staff CPD will be ever expanding

Moderation Courses Yr2 and Yr6

Literacy training – Dyslexia training (whole school)

Safeguarding face to face – whole school

Maths training – Jenny Cook consultant  

Educational consultant to prepare, chair and support pupils and their families through the EHC review process

Parents/Carers to feel supported through the review process for the EHCP

97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

DVD players to support pupils in their home school transport, providing practical solutions to the difficulties they find in transitions.

Pupils to manage home/school transport more successfully



Individual play therapy for specific children to help children recognise, talk and work through life experiences which have been traumatic and impacting on their lives inside of school and outside

Play therapist to work with pupils who are prioritised by SMT and through reviews etc

Play therapist has worked with 10 pupils individually


6 pupils in groups of 3


Class groups throughout the school

Attendance/input from Play therapist in review meetings to offer insight into strategies parents/carers can use in the home setting to support with our childrens big feelings

Play therapist to offer advice/support to parents/carers through review meetings, bridging the gap between home and school

Play therapist has supported all LAC pupils and TAC pupils parents/carers that are on her caseload throughout the year

Behaviour intervention around the school for individuals who need additional support

Identified Support Assistant within the school

EEF 4+ months closing the gap



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,709


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Dyslexia training for staff

84% of pupils last year made their predicted progress in reading

81% met their exceeding predicted target  






Maths training – Make it, draw it, write it Using manipulatives

EEF guidance states Manipulatives and representations can be powerful tools for supporting pupils to engage with mathematical ideas.




Embedding awe and wonder throughout the curriculum to develop pupils spoken language and literacy skills and engages the children in their learning – whole school approach

Pupil Questionnaire showed that 34% of pupils liked learning and that 78% liked working with a partner or in a group

91.59% attendance and is continually above 90%



Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

Improved engagement in lessons

  • 2021 - 170 incidents
  • Spring term 2022 – 145 incidents

Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022 Physical Intervention incidents fell by 45%




Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 1,175


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Identified children to undertake Specialist Teaching Team assessments to identify areas of learning difficulty, inform teaching and learning. Prepare EHC for next phase

Children’s primary need can change from SEMH when they are safe and secure in the setting.

2021/22 –   6pupils in year 6 change primary need and transferred to other specialist settings rather than SEMH (3 returning to mainstream setting)

3, 5




Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £116,924.78


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

The school employs a play therapist to support children, staff and parents/carers in the understanding of the impact of trauma and attachment on pupils social, emotional, mental health needs, and the impact on the child’s personal development and growth

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 93% felt safe in school
  • 96% felt adults try to sort worries



The school employs a Teaching Assistant to specifically support staff with pupils that are displaying behaviours beyond the norm within the classroom setting. These children are usually displaying significantly increased behaviours during times of social care intervention, unstable times within the family home etc

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 92% felt Fortuna helps them manage their behaviour
  • 96% felt school helped them make good choices



Attendance –

93.25% (May 22)

The school employs an Independent Education Consultant to support parents/carers through the EHCP review process ensuring the pupils are placed in the right educational setting to meet their needs

EEF - Parental engagement has a positive impact , on average 4 months additional progress


96% attendance at reviews by parents/carers


97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

The schools nurture ethos and approach is developed through dedicated activities such as breakfast, snacktime, dinner and planned choosing times 

66% of pupils stated that these parts of the day were the ones they enjoyed most 



To support families and children who need additional support for basic needs




Total budgeted cost: £ 132,808.78

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 - 22 academic year.

Teacher assessments for 2021-22 showed:



Not Met

Predicted Progress


67 pupils


13 pupils





65 pupils


15 pupils



27 pupils had phonics interventions – 25 have made progress

  • 1/26 pupils Moved 1 set since January 2022
  • 4/26 pupils moved 2 sets since January 2022
  • 6/26 moved 3 sets since January 2022
  • 11/26 moved 4 sets since January 2022
  • 2/26 moved 5 sets since January 2022
  • 3/26 moved 7 sets since January 2022


24/27 pupils started below Autumn term Year 1 age expected

  • 2/26 pupils have completed the phonics scheme and moved to Year 2 spellings
  • 6/26 are at age expected for Year 1 phonics






Not Met

Predicted Progress


66 pupils


14 pupils





63 pupils


17 pupils





Not Met

Predicted Progress


62 pupils


18 pupils





51 pupils






Although all of our children are classed as vulnerable because they have an EHCP, as a school we feel it necessary to categorise our pupils using a variety of terms when looking at minority groups. The results from 21/22 show that there is no difference in the progress rates between these groups and the other pupils


CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 8 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 7 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 34 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 7 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 8 met target, 9 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 33 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 4 met target, 5 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 9 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 6 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 1 met targets, 1 made progress

FSM (43) – 27 met targets, 32 made predicted



Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England




Read Write Inc


White Rose Maths

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

Planning, implementation and review

We used all aspects of school assessment data to inform our pupil premium strategy; attainment, behaviour, social care input with families and attainment

The implementation of our pupil premium strategy will be reviewed in an on-going cycle of pupil attainment across all the areas of need for our children. The effectiveness of the support and practice being implemented will be assessed both on individual need and group.

We have used the EEF implementation guide to help us develop our strategy, particularly when looking at the impact the activities and approaches are likely to have.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural needs of our pupils we need to be able to support our parents and carers in a variety of ways. This can mean access to the play therapist, CAFO, educational consultant for EHCP reviews and afterschool clubs

 Key principles

The key principals behind our pupil premium strategy are:

  • To support our pupils in accessing the curriculum, narrowing the gap in their learning
  • To develop our pupils behaviour management skills, exploring with them self regulation, reflection and positive behaviours
  • To develop pupils social and emotional well being



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils baseline assessments show that children are working below national expectations when they start at Fortuna


Discussions with parents and information from children’s previous education settings highlight that pupils have significant gaps in their learning due to missed education. Pupils having reduced timetables, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have caused this.


Previous traumatic experiences impact on children’s social and emotional development. Pupils Boxall Profile assessments show that children developmentally are functioning emotionally at a level significantly below their mainstream peers


Physical Intervention data, assessment data and welfare information about the children correlate and show that when pupils are experiencing trauma and disruption in their home lives this impacts their ability to access education


Pupils attitudes towards school and education are negative. The children do not see themselves as learners and struggle to be in the classroom environment accessing the curriculum. Behaviour data shows this as Physical Intervention is higher when the pupils first start at Fortuna


Pupils out of school experiences can be limited due to families backgrounds, pupils behaviours and their circumsatnces. This makes it extremely difficult for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and apply it in their learning, particularly in Literacy.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress towards Success Criteria

Pupils will close the gap in their learning, focus on the core subjects of Maths, Literacy and Science 

For 100% of pupils  to reach their predicted progress targets and 80% to meet their extended targets in reading, writing and maths


Staff will use progressive and developmentally linked plans for choosing related to the boxall profile to support the pupil's social and emotional development.


Pupils will develop targeted strands for personal development identified in their Boxall Profile assessments


All pupils to have access to the Ladybird project run by Di Hoyer (play therapist) to develop a sense of self and self regulation

All pupils will take part in group therapy sessions

Classess are on a rota timetable throughout the year

To enrich the curriculum, giving pupils real life experiences to use within the classroom setting, enhancing their spoken language and writing

Educational visits

Lincolnshire show – whole school

Activities away – Yr 6

End of year celebrations – whole school

Pantomime – whole school

Wonderdome – Keystage 2


Teachers to be supported in the development of their roles as subject leads

School Improvement Partner to support with Deep Dive experiences


Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

School Improvement Partner to complete lesson observations alongside members of SMT


Staff to develop their skills to be able to support pupils both academically and emotionally through nurture

Staff CPD will be ever expanding

Moderation Courses Yr2 and Yr6

Literacy training – Dyslexia training (whole school)

Safeguarding face to face – whole school

Maths training – Jenny Cook consultant  

Educational consultant to prepare, chair and support pupils and their families through the EHC review process

Parents/Carers to feel supported through the review process for the EHCP

97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

DVD players to support pupils in their home school transport, providing practical solutions to the difficulties they find in transitions.

Pupils to manage home/school transport more successfully



Individual play therapy for specific children to help children recognise, talk and work through life experiences which have been traumatic and impacting on their lives inside of school and outside

Play therapist to work with pupils who are prioritised by SMT and through reviews etc

Play therapist has worked with 10 pupils individually


6 pupils in groups of 3


Class groups throughout the school

Attendance/input from Play therapist in review meetings to offer insight into strategies parents/carers can use in the home setting to support with our childrens big feelings

Play therapist to offer advice/support to parents/carers through review meetings, bridging the gap between home and school

Play therapist has supported all LAC pupils and TAC pupils parents/carers that are on her caseload throughout the year

Behaviour intervention around the school for individuals who need additional support

Identified Support Assistant within the school

EEF 4+ months closing the gap



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,709


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Dyslexia training for staff

84% of pupils last year made their predicted progress in reading

81% met their exceeding predicted target  






Maths training – Make it, draw it, write it Using manipulatives

EEF guidance states Manipulatives and representations can be powerful tools for supporting pupils to engage with mathematical ideas.




Embedding awe and wonder throughout the curriculum to develop pupils spoken language and literacy skills and engages the children in their learning – whole school approach

Pupil Questionnaire showed that 34% of pupils liked learning and that 78% liked working with a partner or in a group

91.59% attendance and is continually above 90%



Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

Improved engagement in lessons

  • 2021 - 170 incidents
  • Spring term 2022 – 145 incidents

Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022 Physical Intervention incidents fell by 45%




Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 1,175


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Identified children to undertake Specialist Teaching Team assessments to identify areas of learning difficulty, inform teaching and learning. Prepare EHC for next phase

Children’s primary need can change from SEMH when they are safe and secure in the setting.

2021/22 –   6pupils in year 6 change primary need and transferred to other specialist settings rather than SEMH (3 returning to mainstream setting)

3, 5




Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £116,924.78


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

The school employs a play therapist to support children, staff and parents/carers in the understanding of the impact of trauma and attachment on pupils social, emotional, mental health needs, and the impact on the child’s personal development and growth

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 93% felt safe in school
  • 96% felt adults try to sort worries



The school employs a Teaching Assistant to specifically support staff with pupils that are displaying behaviours beyond the norm within the classroom setting. These children are usually displaying significantly increased behaviours during times of social care intervention, unstable times within the family home etc

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 92% felt Fortuna helps them manage their behaviour
  • 96% felt school helped them make good choices



Attendance –

93.25% (May 22)

The school employs an Independent Education Consultant to support parents/carers through the EHCP review process ensuring the pupils are placed in the right educational setting to meet their needs

EEF - Parental engagement has a positive impact , on average 4 months additional progress


96% attendance at reviews by parents/carers


97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

The schools nurture ethos and approach is developed through dedicated activities such as breakfast, snacktime, dinner and planned choosing times 

66% of pupils stated that these parts of the day were the ones they enjoyed most 



To support families and children who need additional support for basic needs




Total budgeted cost: £ 132,808.78

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 - 22 academic year.

Teacher assessments for 2021-22 showed:



Not Met

Predicted Progress


67 pupils


13 pupils





65 pupils


15 pupils



27 pupils had phonics interventions – 25 have made progress

  • 1/26 pupils Moved 1 set since January 2022
  • 4/26 pupils moved 2 sets since January 2022
  • 6/26 moved 3 sets since January 2022
  • 11/26 moved 4 sets since January 2022
  • 2/26 moved 5 sets since January 2022
  • 3/26 moved 7 sets since January 2022


24/27 pupils started below Autumn term Year 1 age expected

  • 2/26 pupils have completed the phonics scheme and moved to Year 2 spellings
  • 6/26 are at age expected for Year 1 phonics






Not Met

Predicted Progress


66 pupils


14 pupils





63 pupils


17 pupils





Not Met

Predicted Progress


62 pupils


18 pupils





51 pupils






Although all of our children are classed as vulnerable because they have an EHCP, as a school we feel it necessary to categorise our pupils using a variety of terms when looking at minority groups. The results from 21/22 show that there is no difference in the progress rates between these groups and the other pupils


CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 8 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 7 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 34 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 7 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 8 met target, 9 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 33 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 4 met target, 5 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 9 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 6 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 1 met targets, 1 made progress

FSM (43) – 27 met targets, 32 made predicted



Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England




Read Write Inc


White Rose Maths

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

Planning, implementation and review

We used all aspects of school assessment data to inform our pupil premium strategy; attainment, behaviour, social care input with families and attainment

The implementation of our pupil premium strategy will be reviewed in an on-going cycle of pupil attainment across all the areas of need for our children. The effectiveness of the support and practice being implemented will be assessed both on individual need and group.

We have used the EEF implementation guide to help us develop our strategy, particularly when looking at the impact the activities and approaches are likely to have.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural needs of our pupils we need to be able to support our parents and carers in a variety of ways. This can mean access to the play therapist, CAFO, educational consultant for EHCP reviews and afterschool clubs

 Key principles

The key principals behind our pupil premium strategy are:

  • To support our pupils in accessing the curriculum, narrowing the gap in their learning
  • To develop our pupils behaviour management skills, exploring with them self regulation, reflection and positive behaviours
  • To develop pupils social and emotional well being



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils baseline assessments show that children are working below national expectations when they start at Fortuna


Discussions with parents and information from children’s previous education settings highlight that pupils have significant gaps in their learning due to missed education. Pupils having reduced timetables, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have caused this.


Previous traumatic experiences impact on children’s social and emotional development. Pupils Boxall Profile assessments show that children developmentally are functioning emotionally at a level significantly below their mainstream peers


Physical Intervention data, assessment data and welfare information about the children correlate and show that when pupils are experiencing trauma and disruption in their home lives this impacts their ability to access education


Pupils attitudes towards school and education are negative. The children do not see themselves as learners and struggle to be in the classroom environment accessing the curriculum. Behaviour data shows this as Physical Intervention is higher when the pupils first start at Fortuna


Pupils out of school experiences can be limited due to families backgrounds, pupils behaviours and their circumsatnces. This makes it extremely difficult for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and apply it in their learning, particularly in Literacy.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress towards Success Criteria

Pupils will close the gap in their learning, focus on the core subjects of Maths, Literacy and Science 

For 100% of pupils  to reach their predicted progress targets and 80% to meet their extended targets in reading, writing and maths


Staff will use progressive and developmentally linked plans for choosing related to the boxall profile to support the pupil's social and emotional development.


Pupils will develop targeted strands for personal development identified in their Boxall Profile assessments


All pupils to have access to the Ladybird project run by Di Hoyer (play therapist) to develop a sense of self and self regulation

All pupils will take part in group therapy sessions

Classess are on a rota timetable throughout the year

To enrich the curriculum, giving pupils real life experiences to use within the classroom setting, enhancing their spoken language and writing

Educational visits

Lincolnshire show – whole school

Activities away – Yr 6

End of year celebrations – whole school

Pantomime – whole school

Wonderdome – Keystage 2


Teachers to be supported in the development of their roles as subject leads

School Improvement Partner to support with Deep Dive experiences


Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

School Improvement Partner to complete lesson observations alongside members of SMT


Staff to develop their skills to be able to support pupils both academically and emotionally through nurture

Staff CPD will be ever expanding

Moderation Courses Yr2 and Yr6

Literacy training – Dyslexia training (whole school)

Safeguarding face to face – whole school

Maths training – Jenny Cook consultant  

Educational consultant to prepare, chair and support pupils and their families through the EHC review process

Parents/Carers to feel supported through the review process for the EHCP

97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

DVD players to support pupils in their home school transport, providing practical solutions to the difficulties they find in transitions.

Pupils to manage home/school transport more successfully



Individual play therapy for specific children to help children recognise, talk and work through life experiences which have been traumatic and impacting on their lives inside of school and outside

Play therapist to work with pupils who are prioritised by SMT and through reviews etc

Play therapist has worked with 10 pupils individually


6 pupils in groups of 3


Class groups throughout the school

Attendance/input from Play therapist in review meetings to offer insight into strategies parents/carers can use in the home setting to support with our childrens big feelings

Play therapist to offer advice/support to parents/carers through review meetings, bridging the gap between home and school

Play therapist has supported all LAC pupils and TAC pupils parents/carers that are on her caseload throughout the year

Behaviour intervention around the school for individuals who need additional support

Identified Support Assistant within the school

EEF 4+ months closing the gap



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,709


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Dyslexia training for staff

84% of pupils last year made their predicted progress in reading

81% met their exceeding predicted target  






Maths training – Make it, draw it, write it Using manipulatives

EEF guidance states Manipulatives and representations can be powerful tools for supporting pupils to engage with mathematical ideas.




Embedding awe and wonder throughout the curriculum to develop pupils spoken language and literacy skills and engages the children in their learning – whole school approach

Pupil Questionnaire showed that 34% of pupils liked learning and that 78% liked working with a partner or in a group

91.59% attendance and is continually above 90%



Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

Improved engagement in lessons

  • 2021 - 170 incidents
  • Spring term 2022 – 145 incidents

Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022 Physical Intervention incidents fell by 45%




Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 1,175


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Identified children to undertake Specialist Teaching Team assessments to identify areas of learning difficulty, inform teaching and learning. Prepare EHC for next phase

Children’s primary need can change from SEMH when they are safe and secure in the setting.

2021/22 –   6pupils in year 6 change primary need and transferred to other specialist settings rather than SEMH (3 returning to mainstream setting)

3, 5




Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £116,924.78


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

The school employs a play therapist to support children, staff and parents/carers in the understanding of the impact of trauma and attachment on pupils social, emotional, mental health needs, and the impact on the child’s personal development and growth

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 93% felt safe in school
  • 96% felt adults try to sort worries



The school employs a Teaching Assistant to specifically support staff with pupils that are displaying behaviours beyond the norm within the classroom setting. These children are usually displaying significantly increased behaviours during times of social care intervention, unstable times within the family home etc

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 92% felt Fortuna helps them manage their behaviour
  • 96% felt school helped them make good choices



Attendance –

93.25% (May 22)

The school employs an Independent Education Consultant to support parents/carers through the EHCP review process ensuring the pupils are placed in the right educational setting to meet their needs

EEF - Parental engagement has a positive impact , on average 4 months additional progress


96% attendance at reviews by parents/carers


97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

The schools nurture ethos and approach is developed through dedicated activities such as breakfast, snacktime, dinner and planned choosing times 

66% of pupils stated that these parts of the day were the ones they enjoyed most 



To support families and children who need additional support for basic needs




Total budgeted cost: £ 132,808.78

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 - 22 academic year.

Teacher assessments for 2021-22 showed:



Not Met

Predicted Progress


67 pupils


13 pupils





65 pupils


15 pupils



27 pupils had phonics interventions – 25 have made progress

  • 1/26 pupils Moved 1 set since January 2022
  • 4/26 pupils moved 2 sets since January 2022
  • 6/26 moved 3 sets since January 2022
  • 11/26 moved 4 sets since January 2022
  • 2/26 moved 5 sets since January 2022
  • 3/26 moved 7 sets since January 2022


24/27 pupils started below Autumn term Year 1 age expected

  • 2/26 pupils have completed the phonics scheme and moved to Year 2 spellings
  • 6/26 are at age expected for Year 1 phonics






Not Met

Predicted Progress


66 pupils


14 pupils





63 pupils


17 pupils





Not Met

Predicted Progress


62 pupils


18 pupils





51 pupils






Although all of our children are classed as vulnerable because they have an EHCP, as a school we feel it necessary to categorise our pupils using a variety of terms when looking at minority groups. The results from 21/22 show that there is no difference in the progress rates between these groups and the other pupils


CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 8 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 7 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 34 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 7 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 8 met target, 9 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 33 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 4 met target, 5 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 9 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 6 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 1 met targets, 1 made progress

FSM (43) – 27 met targets, 32 made predicted



Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England




Read Write Inc


White Rose Maths

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

Planning, implementation and review

We used all aspects of school assessment data to inform our pupil premium strategy; attainment, behaviour, social care input with families and attainment

The implementation of our pupil premium strategy will be reviewed in an on-going cycle of pupil attainment across all the areas of need for our children. The effectiveness of the support and practice being implemented will be assessed both on individual need and group.

We have used the EEF implementation guide to help us develop our strategy, particularly when looking at the impact the activities and approaches are likely to have.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural needs of our pupils we need to be able to support our parents and carers in a variety of ways. This can mean access to the play therapist, CAFO, educational consultant for EHCP reviews and afterschool clubs

 Key principles

The key principals behind our pupil premium strategy are:

  • To support our pupils in accessing the curriculum, narrowing the gap in their learning
  • To develop our pupils behaviour management skills, exploring with them self regulation, reflection and positive behaviours
  • To develop pupils social and emotional well being



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils baseline assessments show that children are working below national expectations when they start at Fortuna


Discussions with parents and information from children’s previous education settings highlight that pupils have significant gaps in their learning due to missed education. Pupils having reduced timetables, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have caused this.


Previous traumatic experiences impact on children’s social and emotional development. Pupils Boxall Profile assessments show that children developmentally are functioning emotionally at a level significantly below their mainstream peers


Physical Intervention data, assessment data and welfare information about the children correlate and show that when pupils are experiencing trauma and disruption in their home lives this impacts their ability to access education


Pupils attitudes towards school and education are negative. The children do not see themselves as learners and struggle to be in the classroom environment accessing the curriculum. Behaviour data shows this as Physical Intervention is higher when the pupils first start at Fortuna


Pupils out of school experiences can be limited due to families backgrounds, pupils behaviours and their circumsatnces. This makes it extremely difficult for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and apply it in their learning, particularly in Literacy.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress towards Success Criteria

Pupils will close the gap in their learning, focus on the core subjects of Maths, Literacy and Science 

For 100% of pupils  to reach their predicted progress targets and 80% to meet their extended targets in reading, writing and maths


Staff will use progressive and developmentally linked plans for choosing related to the boxall profile to support the pupil's social and emotional development.


Pupils will develop targeted strands for personal development identified in their Boxall Profile assessments


All pupils to have access to the Ladybird project run by Di Hoyer (play therapist) to develop a sense of self and self regulation

All pupils will take part in group therapy sessions

Classess are on a rota timetable throughout the year

To enrich the curriculum, giving pupils real life experiences to use within the classroom setting, enhancing their spoken language and writing

Educational visits

Lincolnshire show – whole school

Activities away – Yr 6

End of year celebrations – whole school

Pantomime – whole school

Wonderdome – Keystage 2


Teachers to be supported in the development of their roles as subject leads

School Improvement Partner to support with Deep Dive experiences


Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

School Improvement Partner to complete lesson observations alongside members of SMT


Staff to develop their skills to be able to support pupils both academically and emotionally through nurture

Staff CPD will be ever expanding

Moderation Courses Yr2 and Yr6

Literacy training – Dyslexia training (whole school)

Safeguarding face to face – whole school

Maths training – Jenny Cook consultant  

Educational consultant to prepare, chair and support pupils and their families through the EHC review process

Parents/Carers to feel supported through the review process for the EHCP

97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

DVD players to support pupils in their home school transport, providing practical solutions to the difficulties they find in transitions.

Pupils to manage home/school transport more successfully



Individual play therapy for specific children to help children recognise, talk and work through life experiences which have been traumatic and impacting on their lives inside of school and outside

Play therapist to work with pupils who are prioritised by SMT and through reviews etc

Play therapist has worked with 10 pupils individually


6 pupils in groups of 3


Class groups throughout the school

Attendance/input from Play therapist in review meetings to offer insight into strategies parents/carers can use in the home setting to support with our childrens big feelings

Play therapist to offer advice/support to parents/carers through review meetings, bridging the gap between home and school

Play therapist has supported all LAC pupils and TAC pupils parents/carers that are on her caseload throughout the year

Behaviour intervention around the school for individuals who need additional support

Identified Support Assistant within the school

EEF 4+ months closing the gap



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,709


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Dyslexia training for staff

84% of pupils last year made their predicted progress in reading

81% met their exceeding predicted target  






Maths training – Make it, draw it, write it Using manipulatives

EEF guidance states Manipulatives and representations can be powerful tools for supporting pupils to engage with mathematical ideas.




Embedding awe and wonder throughout the curriculum to develop pupils spoken language and literacy skills and engages the children in their learning – whole school approach

Pupil Questionnaire showed that 34% of pupils liked learning and that 78% liked working with a partner or in a group

91.59% attendance and is continually above 90%



Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

Improved engagement in lessons

  • 2021 - 170 incidents
  • Spring term 2022 – 145 incidents

Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022 Physical Intervention incidents fell by 45%




Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 1,175


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Identified children to undertake Specialist Teaching Team assessments to identify areas of learning difficulty, inform teaching and learning. Prepare EHC for next phase

Children’s primary need can change from SEMH when they are safe and secure in the setting.

2021/22 –   6pupils in year 6 change primary need and transferred to other specialist settings rather than SEMH (3 returning to mainstream setting)

3, 5




Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £116,924.78


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

The school employs a play therapist to support children, staff and parents/carers in the understanding of the impact of trauma and attachment on pupils social, emotional, mental health needs, and the impact on the child’s personal development and growth

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 93% felt safe in school
  • 96% felt adults try to sort worries



The school employs a Teaching Assistant to specifically support staff with pupils that are displaying behaviours beyond the norm within the classroom setting. These children are usually displaying significantly increased behaviours during times of social care intervention, unstable times within the family home etc

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 92% felt Fortuna helps them manage their behaviour
  • 96% felt school helped them make good choices



Attendance –

93.25% (May 22)

The school employs an Independent Education Consultant to support parents/carers through the EHCP review process ensuring the pupils are placed in the right educational setting to meet their needs

EEF - Parental engagement has a positive impact , on average 4 months additional progress


96% attendance at reviews by parents/carers


97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

The schools nurture ethos and approach is developed through dedicated activities such as breakfast, snacktime, dinner and planned choosing times 

66% of pupils stated that these parts of the day were the ones they enjoyed most 



To support families and children who need additional support for basic needs




Total budgeted cost: £ 132,808.78

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 - 22 academic year.

Teacher assessments for 2021-22 showed:



Not Met

Predicted Progress


67 pupils


13 pupils





65 pupils


15 pupils



27 pupils had phonics interventions – 25 have made progress

  • 1/26 pupils Moved 1 set since January 2022
  • 4/26 pupils moved 2 sets since January 2022
  • 6/26 moved 3 sets since January 2022
  • 11/26 moved 4 sets since January 2022
  • 2/26 moved 5 sets since January 2022
  • 3/26 moved 7 sets since January 2022


24/27 pupils started below Autumn term Year 1 age expected

  • 2/26 pupils have completed the phonics scheme and moved to Year 2 spellings
  • 6/26 are at age expected for Year 1 phonics






Not Met

Predicted Progress


66 pupils


14 pupils





63 pupils


17 pupils





Not Met

Predicted Progress


62 pupils


18 pupils





51 pupils






Although all of our children are classed as vulnerable because they have an EHCP, as a school we feel it necessary to categorise our pupils using a variety of terms when looking at minority groups. The results from 21/22 show that there is no difference in the progress rates between these groups and the other pupils


CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 8 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 7 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 34 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 7 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 8 met target, 9 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 33 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 4 met target, 5 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 9 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 6 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 1 met targets, 1 made progress

FSM (43) – 27 met targets, 32 made predicted



Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England




Read Write Inc


White Rose Maths

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

Planning, implementation and review

We used all aspects of school assessment data to inform our pupil premium strategy; attainment, behaviour, social care input with families and attainment

The implementation of our pupil premium strategy will be reviewed in an on-going cycle of pupil attainment across all the areas of need for our children. The effectiveness of the support and practice being implemented will be assessed both on individual need and group.

We have used the EEF implementation guide to help us develop our strategy, particularly when looking at the impact the activities and approaches are likely to have.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural needs of our pupils we need to be able to support our parents and carers in a variety of ways. This can mean access to the play therapist, CAFO, educational consultant for EHCP reviews and afterschool clubs

 Key principles

The key principals behind our pupil premium strategy are:

  • To support our pupils in accessing the curriculum, narrowing the gap in their learning
  • To develop our pupils behaviour management skills, exploring with them self regulation, reflection and positive behaviours
  • To develop pupils social and emotional well being



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils baseline assessments show that children are working below national expectations when they start at Fortuna


Discussions with parents and information from children’s previous education settings highlight that pupils have significant gaps in their learning due to missed education. Pupils having reduced timetables, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have caused this.


Previous traumatic experiences impact on children’s social and emotional development. Pupils Boxall Profile assessments show that children developmentally are functioning emotionally at a level significantly below their mainstream peers


Physical Intervention data, assessment data and welfare information about the children correlate and show that when pupils are experiencing trauma and disruption in their home lives this impacts their ability to access education


Pupils attitudes towards school and education are negative. The children do not see themselves as learners and struggle to be in the classroom environment accessing the curriculum. Behaviour data shows this as Physical Intervention is higher when the pupils first start at Fortuna


Pupils out of school experiences can be limited due to families backgrounds, pupils behaviours and their circumsatnces. This makes it extremely difficult for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and apply it in their learning, particularly in Literacy.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress towards Success Criteria

Pupils will close the gap in their learning, focus on the core subjects of Maths, Literacy and Science 

For 100% of pupils  to reach their predicted progress targets and 80% to meet their extended targets in reading, writing and maths


Staff will use progressive and developmentally linked plans for choosing related to the boxall profile to support the pupil's social and emotional development.


Pupils will develop targeted strands for personal development identified in their Boxall Profile assessments


All pupils to have access to the Ladybird project run by Di Hoyer (play therapist) to develop a sense of self and self regulation

All pupils will take part in group therapy sessions

Classess are on a rota timetable throughout the year

To enrich the curriculum, giving pupils real life experiences to use within the classroom setting, enhancing their spoken language and writing

Educational visits

Lincolnshire show – whole school

Activities away – Yr 6

End of year celebrations – whole school

Pantomime – whole school

Wonderdome – Keystage 2


Teachers to be supported in the development of their roles as subject leads

School Improvement Partner to support with Deep Dive experiences


Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

School Improvement Partner to complete lesson observations alongside members of SMT


Staff to develop their skills to be able to support pupils both academically and emotionally through nurture

Staff CPD will be ever expanding

Moderation Courses Yr2 and Yr6

Literacy training – Dyslexia training (whole school)

Safeguarding face to face – whole school

Maths training – Jenny Cook consultant  

Educational consultant to prepare, chair and support pupils and their families through the EHC review process

Parents/Carers to feel supported through the review process for the EHCP

97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

DVD players to support pupils in their home school transport, providing practical solutions to the difficulties they find in transitions.

Pupils to manage home/school transport more successfully



Individual play therapy for specific children to help children recognise, talk and work through life experiences which have been traumatic and impacting on their lives inside of school and outside

Play therapist to work with pupils who are prioritised by SMT and through reviews etc

Play therapist has worked with 10 pupils individually


6 pupils in groups of 3


Class groups throughout the school

Attendance/input from Play therapist in review meetings to offer insight into strategies parents/carers can use in the home setting to support with our childrens big feelings

Play therapist to offer advice/support to parents/carers through review meetings, bridging the gap between home and school

Play therapist has supported all LAC pupils and TAC pupils parents/carers that are on her caseload throughout the year

Behaviour intervention around the school for individuals who need additional support

Identified Support Assistant within the school

EEF 4+ months closing the gap



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,709


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Dyslexia training for staff

84% of pupils last year made their predicted progress in reading

81% met their exceeding predicted target  






Maths training – Make it, draw it, write it Using manipulatives

EEF guidance states Manipulatives and representations can be powerful tools for supporting pupils to engage with mathematical ideas.




Embedding awe and wonder throughout the curriculum to develop pupils spoken language and literacy skills and engages the children in their learning – whole school approach

Pupil Questionnaire showed that 34% of pupils liked learning and that 78% liked working with a partner or in a group

91.59% attendance and is continually above 90%



Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

Improved engagement in lessons

  • 2021 - 170 incidents
  • Spring term 2022 – 145 incidents

Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022 Physical Intervention incidents fell by 45%




Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 1,175


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Identified children to undertake Specialist Teaching Team assessments to identify areas of learning difficulty, inform teaching and learning. Prepare EHC for next phase

Children’s primary need can change from SEMH when they are safe and secure in the setting.

2021/22 –   6pupils in year 6 change primary need and transferred to other specialist settings rather than SEMH (3 returning to mainstream setting)

3, 5




Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £116,924.78


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

The school employs a play therapist to support children, staff and parents/carers in the understanding of the impact of trauma and attachment on pupils social, emotional, mental health needs, and the impact on the child’s personal development and growth

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 93% felt safe in school
  • 96% felt adults try to sort worries



The school employs a Teaching Assistant to specifically support staff with pupils that are displaying behaviours beyond the norm within the classroom setting. These children are usually displaying significantly increased behaviours during times of social care intervention, unstable times within the family home etc

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 92% felt Fortuna helps them manage their behaviour
  • 96% felt school helped them make good choices



Attendance –

93.25% (May 22)

The school employs an Independent Education Consultant to support parents/carers through the EHCP review process ensuring the pupils are placed in the right educational setting to meet their needs

EEF - Parental engagement has a positive impact , on average 4 months additional progress


96% attendance at reviews by parents/carers


97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

The schools nurture ethos and approach is developed through dedicated activities such as breakfast, snacktime, dinner and planned choosing times 

66% of pupils stated that these parts of the day were the ones they enjoyed most 



To support families and children who need additional support for basic needs




Total budgeted cost: £ 132,808.78

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 - 22 academic year.

Teacher assessments for 2021-22 showed:



Not Met

Predicted Progress


67 pupils


13 pupils





65 pupils


15 pupils



27 pupils had phonics interventions – 25 have made progress

  • 1/26 pupils Moved 1 set since January 2022
  • 4/26 pupils moved 2 sets since January 2022
  • 6/26 moved 3 sets since January 2022
  • 11/26 moved 4 sets since January 2022
  • 2/26 moved 5 sets since January 2022
  • 3/26 moved 7 sets since January 2022


24/27 pupils started below Autumn term Year 1 age expected

  • 2/26 pupils have completed the phonics scheme and moved to Year 2 spellings
  • 6/26 are at age expected for Year 1 phonics






Not Met

Predicted Progress


66 pupils


14 pupils





63 pupils


17 pupils





Not Met

Predicted Progress


62 pupils


18 pupils





51 pupils






Although all of our children are classed as vulnerable because they have an EHCP, as a school we feel it necessary to categorise our pupils using a variety of terms when looking at minority groups. The results from 21/22 show that there is no difference in the progress rates between these groups and the other pupils


CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 8 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 7 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 34 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 7 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 8 met target, 9 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 33 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 4 met target, 5 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 9 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 6 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 1 met targets, 1 made progress

FSM (43) – 27 met targets, 32 made predicted



Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England




Read Write Inc


White Rose Maths

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

Planning, implementation and review

We used all aspects of school assessment data to inform our pupil premium strategy; attainment, behaviour, social care input with families and attainment

The implementation of our pupil premium strategy will be reviewed in an on-going cycle of pupil attainment across all the areas of need for our children. The effectiveness of the support and practice being implemented will be assessed both on individual need and group.

We have used the EEF implementation guide to help us develop our strategy, particularly when looking at the impact the activities and approaches are likely to have.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural needs of our pupils we need to be able to support our parents and carers in a variety of ways. This can mean access to the play therapist, CAFO, educational consultant for EHCP reviews and afterschool clubs

 Key principles

The key principals behind our pupil premium strategy are:

  • To support our pupils in accessing the curriculum, narrowing the gap in their learning
  • To develop our pupils behaviour management skills, exploring with them self regulation, reflection and positive behaviours
  • To develop pupils social and emotional well being



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils baseline assessments show that children are working below national expectations when they start at Fortuna


Discussions with parents and information from children’s previous education settings highlight that pupils have significant gaps in their learning due to missed education. Pupils having reduced timetables, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have caused this.


Previous traumatic experiences impact on children’s social and emotional development. Pupils Boxall Profile assessments show that children developmentally are functioning emotionally at a level significantly below their mainstream peers


Physical Intervention data, assessment data and welfare information about the children correlate and show that when pupils are experiencing trauma and disruption in their home lives this impacts their ability to access education


Pupils attitudes towards school and education are negative. The children do not see themselves as learners and struggle to be in the classroom environment accessing the curriculum. Behaviour data shows this as Physical Intervention is higher when the pupils first start at Fortuna


Pupils out of school experiences can be limited due to families backgrounds, pupils behaviours and their circumsatnces. This makes it extremely difficult for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and apply it in their learning, particularly in Literacy.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress towards Success Criteria

Pupils will close the gap in their learning, focus on the core subjects of Maths, Literacy and Science 

For 100% of pupils  to reach their predicted progress targets and 80% to meet their extended targets in reading, writing and maths


Staff will use progressive and developmentally linked plans for choosing related to the boxall profile to support the pupil's social and emotional development.


Pupils will develop targeted strands for personal development identified in their Boxall Profile assessments


All pupils to have access to the Ladybird project run by Di Hoyer (play therapist) to develop a sense of self and self regulation

All pupils will take part in group therapy sessions

Classess are on a rota timetable throughout the year

To enrich the curriculum, giving pupils real life experiences to use within the classroom setting, enhancing their spoken language and writing

Educational visits

Lincolnshire show – whole school

Activities away – Yr 6

End of year celebrations – whole school

Pantomime – whole school

Wonderdome – Keystage 2


Teachers to be supported in the development of their roles as subject leads

School Improvement Partner to support with Deep Dive experiences


Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

School Improvement Partner to complete lesson observations alongside members of SMT


Staff to develop their skills to be able to support pupils both academically and emotionally through nurture

Staff CPD will be ever expanding

Moderation Courses Yr2 and Yr6

Literacy training – Dyslexia training (whole school)

Safeguarding face to face – whole school

Maths training – Jenny Cook consultant  

Educational consultant to prepare, chair and support pupils and their families through the EHC review process

Parents/Carers to feel supported through the review process for the EHCP

97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

DVD players to support pupils in their home school transport, providing practical solutions to the difficulties they find in transitions.

Pupils to manage home/school transport more successfully



Individual play therapy for specific children to help children recognise, talk and work through life experiences which have been traumatic and impacting on their lives inside of school and outside

Play therapist to work with pupils who are prioritised by SMT and through reviews etc

Play therapist has worked with 10 pupils individually


6 pupils in groups of 3


Class groups throughout the school

Attendance/input from Play therapist in review meetings to offer insight into strategies parents/carers can use in the home setting to support with our childrens big feelings

Play therapist to offer advice/support to parents/carers through review meetings, bridging the gap between home and school

Play therapist has supported all LAC pupils and TAC pupils parents/carers that are on her caseload throughout the year

Behaviour intervention around the school for individuals who need additional support

Identified Support Assistant within the school

EEF 4+ months closing the gap



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,709


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Dyslexia training for staff

84% of pupils last year made their predicted progress in reading

81% met their exceeding predicted target  






Maths training – Make it, draw it, write it Using manipulatives

EEF guidance states Manipulatives and representations can be powerful tools for supporting pupils to engage with mathematical ideas.




Embedding awe and wonder throughout the curriculum to develop pupils spoken language and literacy skills and engages the children in their learning – whole school approach

Pupil Questionnaire showed that 34% of pupils liked learning and that 78% liked working with a partner or in a group

91.59% attendance and is continually above 90%



Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

Improved engagement in lessons

  • 2021 - 170 incidents
  • Spring term 2022 – 145 incidents

Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022 Physical Intervention incidents fell by 45%




Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 1,175


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Identified children to undertake Specialist Teaching Team assessments to identify areas of learning difficulty, inform teaching and learning. Prepare EHC for next phase

Children’s primary need can change from SEMH when they are safe and secure in the setting.

2021/22 –   6pupils in year 6 change primary need and transferred to other specialist settings rather than SEMH (3 returning to mainstream setting)

3, 5




Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £116,924.78


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

The school employs a play therapist to support children, staff and parents/carers in the understanding of the impact of trauma and attachment on pupils social, emotional, mental health needs, and the impact on the child’s personal development and growth

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 93% felt safe in school
  • 96% felt adults try to sort worries



The school employs a Teaching Assistant to specifically support staff with pupils that are displaying behaviours beyond the norm within the classroom setting. These children are usually displaying significantly increased behaviours during times of social care intervention, unstable times within the family home etc

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 92% felt Fortuna helps them manage their behaviour
  • 96% felt school helped them make good choices



Attendance –

93.25% (May 22)

The school employs an Independent Education Consultant to support parents/carers through the EHCP review process ensuring the pupils are placed in the right educational setting to meet their needs

EEF - Parental engagement has a positive impact , on average 4 months additional progress


96% attendance at reviews by parents/carers


97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

The schools nurture ethos and approach is developed through dedicated activities such as breakfast, snacktime, dinner and planned choosing times 

66% of pupils stated that these parts of the day were the ones they enjoyed most 



To support families and children who need additional support for basic needs




Total budgeted cost: £ 132,808.78

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 - 22 academic year.

Teacher assessments for 2021-22 showed:



Not Met

Predicted Progress


67 pupils


13 pupils





65 pupils


15 pupils



27 pupils had phonics interventions – 25 have made progress

  • 1/26 pupils Moved 1 set since January 2022
  • 4/26 pupils moved 2 sets since January 2022
  • 6/26 moved 3 sets since January 2022
  • 11/26 moved 4 sets since January 2022
  • 2/26 moved 5 sets since January 2022
  • 3/26 moved 7 sets since January 2022


24/27 pupils started below Autumn term Year 1 age expected

  • 2/26 pupils have completed the phonics scheme and moved to Year 2 spellings
  • 6/26 are at age expected for Year 1 phonics






Not Met

Predicted Progress


66 pupils


14 pupils





63 pupils


17 pupils





Not Met

Predicted Progress


62 pupils


18 pupils





51 pupils






Although all of our children are classed as vulnerable because they have an EHCP, as a school we feel it necessary to categorise our pupils using a variety of terms when looking at minority groups. The results from 21/22 show that there is no difference in the progress rates between these groups and the other pupils


CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 8 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 7 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 34 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 7 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 8 met target, 9 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 33 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 4 met target, 5 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 9 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 6 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 1 met targets, 1 made progress

FSM (43) – 27 met targets, 32 made predicted



Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England




Read Write Inc


White Rose Maths

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

Planning, implementation and review

We used all aspects of school assessment data to inform our pupil premium strategy; attainment, behaviour, social care input with families and attainment

The implementation of our pupil premium strategy will be reviewed in an on-going cycle of pupil attainment across all the areas of need for our children. The effectiveness of the support and practice being implemented will be assessed both on individual need and group.

We have used the EEF implementation guide to help us develop our strategy, particularly when looking at the impact the activities and approaches are likely to have.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural needs of our pupils we need to be able to support our parents and carers in a variety of ways. This can mean access to the play therapist, CAFO, educational consultant for EHCP reviews and afterschool clubs

 Key principles

The key principals behind our pupil premium strategy are:

  • To support our pupils in accessing the curriculum, narrowing the gap in their learning
  • To develop our pupils behaviour management skills, exploring with them self regulation, reflection and positive behaviours
  • To develop pupils social and emotional well being



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils baseline assessments show that children are working below national expectations when they start at Fortuna


Discussions with parents and information from children’s previous education settings highlight that pupils have significant gaps in their learning due to missed education. Pupils having reduced timetables, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have caused this.


Previous traumatic experiences impact on children’s social and emotional development. Pupils Boxall Profile assessments show that children developmentally are functioning emotionally at a level significantly below their mainstream peers


Physical Intervention data, assessment data and welfare information about the children correlate and show that when pupils are experiencing trauma and disruption in their home lives this impacts their ability to access education


Pupils attitudes towards school and education are negative. The children do not see themselves as learners and struggle to be in the classroom environment accessing the curriculum. Behaviour data shows this as Physical Intervention is higher when the pupils first start at Fortuna


Pupils out of school experiences can be limited due to families backgrounds, pupils behaviours and their circumsatnces. This makes it extremely difficult for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and apply it in their learning, particularly in Literacy.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress towards Success Criteria

Pupils will close the gap in their learning, focus on the core subjects of Maths, Literacy and Science 

For 100% of pupils  to reach their predicted progress targets and 80% to meet their extended targets in reading, writing and maths


Staff will use progressive and developmentally linked plans for choosing related to the boxall profile to support the pupil's social and emotional development.


Pupils will develop targeted strands for personal development identified in their Boxall Profile assessments


All pupils to have access to the Ladybird project run by Di Hoyer (play therapist) to develop a sense of self and self regulation

All pupils will take part in group therapy sessions

Classess are on a rota timetable throughout the year

To enrich the curriculum, giving pupils real life experiences to use within the classroom setting, enhancing their spoken language and writing

Educational visits

Lincolnshire show – whole school

Activities away – Yr 6

End of year celebrations – whole school

Pantomime – whole school

Wonderdome – Keystage 2


Teachers to be supported in the development of their roles as subject leads

School Improvement Partner to support with Deep Dive experiences


Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

School Improvement Partner to complete lesson observations alongside members of SMT


Staff to develop their skills to be able to support pupils both academically and emotionally through nurture

Staff CPD will be ever expanding

Moderation Courses Yr2 and Yr6

Literacy training – Dyslexia training (whole school)

Safeguarding face to face – whole school

Maths training – Jenny Cook consultant  

Educational consultant to prepare, chair and support pupils and their families through the EHC review process

Parents/Carers to feel supported through the review process for the EHCP

97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

DVD players to support pupils in their home school transport, providing practical solutions to the difficulties they find in transitions.

Pupils to manage home/school transport more successfully



Individual play therapy for specific children to help children recognise, talk and work through life experiences which have been traumatic and impacting on their lives inside of school and outside

Play therapist to work with pupils who are prioritised by SMT and through reviews etc

Play therapist has worked with 10 pupils individually


6 pupils in groups of 3


Class groups throughout the school

Attendance/input from Play therapist in review meetings to offer insight into strategies parents/carers can use in the home setting to support with our childrens big feelings

Play therapist to offer advice/support to parents/carers through review meetings, bridging the gap between home and school

Play therapist has supported all LAC pupils and TAC pupils parents/carers that are on her caseload throughout the year

Behaviour intervention around the school for individuals who need additional support

Identified Support Assistant within the school

EEF 4+ months closing the gap



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,709


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Dyslexia training for staff

84% of pupils last year made their predicted progress in reading

81% met their exceeding predicted target  






Maths training – Make it, draw it, write it Using manipulatives

EEF guidance states Manipulatives and representations can be powerful tools for supporting pupils to engage with mathematical ideas.




Embedding awe and wonder throughout the curriculum to develop pupils spoken language and literacy skills and engages the children in their learning – whole school approach

Pupil Questionnaire showed that 34% of pupils liked learning and that 78% liked working with a partner or in a group

91.59% attendance and is continually above 90%



Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

Improved engagement in lessons

  • 2021 - 170 incidents
  • Spring term 2022 – 145 incidents

Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022 Physical Intervention incidents fell by 45%




Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 1,175


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Identified children to undertake Specialist Teaching Team assessments to identify areas of learning difficulty, inform teaching and learning. Prepare EHC for next phase

Children’s primary need can change from SEMH when they are safe and secure in the setting.

2021/22 –   6pupils in year 6 change primary need and transferred to other specialist settings rather than SEMH (3 returning to mainstream setting)

3, 5




Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £116,924.78


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

The school employs a play therapist to support children, staff and parents/carers in the understanding of the impact of trauma and attachment on pupils social, emotional, mental health needs, and the impact on the child’s personal development and growth

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 93% felt safe in school
  • 96% felt adults try to sort worries



The school employs a Teaching Assistant to specifically support staff with pupils that are displaying behaviours beyond the norm within the classroom setting. These children are usually displaying significantly increased behaviours during times of social care intervention, unstable times within the family home etc

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 92% felt Fortuna helps them manage their behaviour
  • 96% felt school helped them make good choices



Attendance –

93.25% (May 22)

The school employs an Independent Education Consultant to support parents/carers through the EHCP review process ensuring the pupils are placed in the right educational setting to meet their needs

EEF - Parental engagement has a positive impact , on average 4 months additional progress


96% attendance at reviews by parents/carers


97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

The schools nurture ethos and approach is developed through dedicated activities such as breakfast, snacktime, dinner and planned choosing times 

66% of pupils stated that these parts of the day were the ones they enjoyed most 



To support families and children who need additional support for basic needs




Total budgeted cost: £ 132,808.78

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 - 22 academic year.

Teacher assessments for 2021-22 showed:



Not Met

Predicted Progress


67 pupils


13 pupils





65 pupils


15 pupils



27 pupils had phonics interventions – 25 have made progress

  • 1/26 pupils Moved 1 set since January 2022
  • 4/26 pupils moved 2 sets since January 2022
  • 6/26 moved 3 sets since January 2022
  • 11/26 moved 4 sets since January 2022
  • 2/26 moved 5 sets since January 2022
  • 3/26 moved 7 sets since January 2022


24/27 pupils started below Autumn term Year 1 age expected

  • 2/26 pupils have completed the phonics scheme and moved to Year 2 spellings
  • 6/26 are at age expected for Year 1 phonics






Not Met

Predicted Progress


66 pupils


14 pupils





63 pupils


17 pupils





Not Met

Predicted Progress


62 pupils


18 pupils





51 pupils






Although all of our children are classed as vulnerable because they have an EHCP, as a school we feel it necessary to categorise our pupils using a variety of terms when looking at minority groups. The results from 21/22 show that there is no difference in the progress rates between these groups and the other pupils


CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 8 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 7 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 34 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 7 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 8 met target, 9 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 33 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 4 met target, 5 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 9 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 6 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 1 met targets, 1 made progress

FSM (43) – 27 met targets, 32 made predicted



Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England




Read Write Inc


White Rose Maths

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

Planning, implementation and review

We used all aspects of school assessment data to inform our pupil premium strategy; attainment, behaviour, social care input with families and attainment

The implementation of our pupil premium strategy will be reviewed in an on-going cycle of pupil attainment across all the areas of need for our children. The effectiveness of the support and practice being implemented will be assessed both on individual need and group.

We have used the EEF implementation guide to help us develop our strategy, particularly when looking at the impact the activities and approaches are likely to have.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural needs of our pupils we need to be able to support our parents and carers in a variety of ways. This can mean access to the play therapist, CAFO, educational consultant for EHCP reviews and afterschool clubs

 Key principles

The key principals behind our pupil premium strategy are:

  • To support our pupils in accessing the curriculum, narrowing the gap in their learning
  • To develop our pupils behaviour management skills, exploring with them self regulation, reflection and positive behaviours
  • To develop pupils social and emotional well being



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils baseline assessments show that children are working below national expectations when they start at Fortuna


Discussions with parents and information from children’s previous education settings highlight that pupils have significant gaps in their learning due to missed education. Pupils having reduced timetables, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have caused this.


Previous traumatic experiences impact on children’s social and emotional development. Pupils Boxall Profile assessments show that children developmentally are functioning emotionally at a level significantly below their mainstream peers


Physical Intervention data, assessment data and welfare information about the children correlate and show that when pupils are experiencing trauma and disruption in their home lives this impacts their ability to access education


Pupils attitudes towards school and education are negative. The children do not see themselves as learners and struggle to be in the classroom environment accessing the curriculum. Behaviour data shows this as Physical Intervention is higher when the pupils first start at Fortuna


Pupils out of school experiences can be limited due to families backgrounds, pupils behaviours and their circumsatnces. This makes it extremely difficult for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and apply it in their learning, particularly in Literacy.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress towards Success Criteria

Pupils will close the gap in their learning, focus on the core subjects of Maths, Literacy and Science 

For 100% of pupils  to reach their predicted progress targets and 80% to meet their extended targets in reading, writing and maths


Staff will use progressive and developmentally linked plans for choosing related to the boxall profile to support the pupil's social and emotional development.


Pupils will develop targeted strands for personal development identified in their Boxall Profile assessments


All pupils to have access to the Ladybird project run by Di Hoyer (play therapist) to develop a sense of self and self regulation

All pupils will take part in group therapy sessions

Classess are on a rota timetable throughout the year

To enrich the curriculum, giving pupils real life experiences to use within the classroom setting, enhancing their spoken language and writing

Educational visits

Lincolnshire show – whole school

Activities away – Yr 6

End of year celebrations – whole school

Pantomime – whole school

Wonderdome – Keystage 2


Teachers to be supported in the development of their roles as subject leads

School Improvement Partner to support with Deep Dive experiences


Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

School Improvement Partner to complete lesson observations alongside members of SMT


Staff to develop their skills to be able to support pupils both academically and emotionally through nurture

Staff CPD will be ever expanding

Moderation Courses Yr2 and Yr6

Literacy training – Dyslexia training (whole school)

Safeguarding face to face – whole school

Maths training – Jenny Cook consultant  

Educational consultant to prepare, chair and support pupils and their families through the EHC review process

Parents/Carers to feel supported through the review process for the EHCP

97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

DVD players to support pupils in their home school transport, providing practical solutions to the difficulties they find in transitions.

Pupils to manage home/school transport more successfully



Individual play therapy for specific children to help children recognise, talk and work through life experiences which have been traumatic and impacting on their lives inside of school and outside

Play therapist to work with pupils who are prioritised by SMT and through reviews etc

Play therapist has worked with 10 pupils individually


6 pupils in groups of 3


Class groups throughout the school

Attendance/input from Play therapist in review meetings to offer insight into strategies parents/carers can use in the home setting to support with our childrens big feelings

Play therapist to offer advice/support to parents/carers through review meetings, bridging the gap between home and school

Play therapist has supported all LAC pupils and TAC pupils parents/carers that are on her caseload throughout the year

Behaviour intervention around the school for individuals who need additional support

Identified Support Assistant within the school

EEF 4+ months closing the gap



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,709


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Dyslexia training for staff

84% of pupils last year made their predicted progress in reading

81% met their exceeding predicted target  






Maths training – Make it, draw it, write it Using manipulatives

EEF guidance states Manipulatives and representations can be powerful tools for supporting pupils to engage with mathematical ideas.




Embedding awe and wonder throughout the curriculum to develop pupils spoken language and literacy skills and engages the children in their learning – whole school approach

Pupil Questionnaire showed that 34% of pupils liked learning and that 78% liked working with a partner or in a group

91.59% attendance and is continually above 90%



Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

Improved engagement in lessons

  • 2021 - 170 incidents
  • Spring term 2022 – 145 incidents

Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022 Physical Intervention incidents fell by 45%




Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 1,175


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Identified children to undertake Specialist Teaching Team assessments to identify areas of learning difficulty, inform teaching and learning. Prepare EHC for next phase

Children’s primary need can change from SEMH when they are safe and secure in the setting.

2021/22 –   6pupils in year 6 change primary need and transferred to other specialist settings rather than SEMH (3 returning to mainstream setting)

3, 5




Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £116,924.78


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

The school employs a play therapist to support children, staff and parents/carers in the understanding of the impact of trauma and attachment on pupils social, emotional, mental health needs, and the impact on the child’s personal development and growth

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 93% felt safe in school
  • 96% felt adults try to sort worries



The school employs a Teaching Assistant to specifically support staff with pupils that are displaying behaviours beyond the norm within the classroom setting. These children are usually displaying significantly increased behaviours during times of social care intervention, unstable times within the family home etc

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 92% felt Fortuna helps them manage their behaviour
  • 96% felt school helped them make good choices



Attendance –

93.25% (May 22)

The school employs an Independent Education Consultant to support parents/carers through the EHCP review process ensuring the pupils are placed in the right educational setting to meet their needs

EEF - Parental engagement has a positive impact , on average 4 months additional progress


96% attendance at reviews by parents/carers


97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

The schools nurture ethos and approach is developed through dedicated activities such as breakfast, snacktime, dinner and planned choosing times 

66% of pupils stated that these parts of the day were the ones they enjoyed most 



To support families and children who need additional support for basic needs




Total budgeted cost: £ 132,808.78

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 - 22 academic year.

Teacher assessments for 2021-22 showed:



Not Met

Predicted Progress


67 pupils


13 pupils





65 pupils


15 pupils



27 pupils had phonics interventions – 25 have made progress

  • 1/26 pupils Moved 1 set since January 2022
  • 4/26 pupils moved 2 sets since January 2022
  • 6/26 moved 3 sets since January 2022
  • 11/26 moved 4 sets since January 2022
  • 2/26 moved 5 sets since January 2022
  • 3/26 moved 7 sets since January 2022


24/27 pupils started below Autumn term Year 1 age expected

  • 2/26 pupils have completed the phonics scheme and moved to Year 2 spellings
  • 6/26 are at age expected for Year 1 phonics






Not Met

Predicted Progress


66 pupils


14 pupils





63 pupils


17 pupils





Not Met

Predicted Progress


62 pupils


18 pupils





51 pupils






Although all of our children are classed as vulnerable because they have an EHCP, as a school we feel it necessary to categorise our pupils using a variety of terms when looking at minority groups. The results from 21/22 show that there is no difference in the progress rates between these groups and the other pupils


CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 8 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 7 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 34 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 7 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 8 met target, 9 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 33 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 4 met target, 5 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 9 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 6 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 1 met targets, 1 made progress

FSM (43) – 27 met targets, 32 made predicted



Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England




Read Write Inc


White Rose Maths

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

Planning, implementation and review

We used all aspects of school assessment data to inform our pupil premium strategy; attainment, behaviour, social care input with families and attainment

The implementation of our pupil premium strategy will be reviewed in an on-going cycle of pupil attainment across all the areas of need for our children. The effectiveness of the support and practice being implemented will be assessed both on individual need and group.

We have used the EEF implementation guide to help us develop our strategy, particularly when looking at the impact the activities and approaches are likely to have.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural needs of our pupils we need to be able to support our parents and carers in a variety of ways. This can mean access to the play therapist, CAFO, educational consultant for EHCP reviews and afterschool clubs

 Key principles

The key principals behind our pupil premium strategy are:

  • To support our pupils in accessing the curriculum, narrowing the gap in their learning
  • To develop our pupils behaviour management skills, exploring with them self regulation, reflection and positive behaviours
  • To develop pupils social and emotional well being



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils baseline assessments show that children are working below national expectations when they start at Fortuna


Discussions with parents and information from children’s previous education settings highlight that pupils have significant gaps in their learning due to missed education. Pupils having reduced timetables, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have caused this.


Previous traumatic experiences impact on children’s social and emotional development. Pupils Boxall Profile assessments show that children developmentally are functioning emotionally at a level significantly below their mainstream peers


Physical Intervention data, assessment data and welfare information about the children correlate and show that when pupils are experiencing trauma and disruption in their home lives this impacts their ability to access education


Pupils attitudes towards school and education are negative. The children do not see themselves as learners and struggle to be in the classroom environment accessing the curriculum. Behaviour data shows this as Physical Intervention is higher when the pupils first start at Fortuna


Pupils out of school experiences can be limited due to families backgrounds, pupils behaviours and their circumsatnces. This makes it extremely difficult for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and apply it in their learning, particularly in Literacy.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress towards Success Criteria

Pupils will close the gap in their learning, focus on the core subjects of Maths, Literacy and Science 

For 100% of pupils  to reach their predicted progress targets and 80% to meet their extended targets in reading, writing and maths


Staff will use progressive and developmentally linked plans for choosing related to the boxall profile to support the pupil's social and emotional development.


Pupils will develop targeted strands for personal development identified in their Boxall Profile assessments


All pupils to have access to the Ladybird project run by Di Hoyer (play therapist) to develop a sense of self and self regulation

All pupils will take part in group therapy sessions

Classess are on a rota timetable throughout the year

To enrich the curriculum, giving pupils real life experiences to use within the classroom setting, enhancing their spoken language and writing

Educational visits

Lincolnshire show – whole school

Activities away – Yr 6

End of year celebrations – whole school

Pantomime – whole school

Wonderdome – Keystage 2


Teachers to be supported in the development of their roles as subject leads

School Improvement Partner to support with Deep Dive experiences


Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

School Improvement Partner to complete lesson observations alongside members of SMT


Staff to develop their skills to be able to support pupils both academically and emotionally through nurture

Staff CPD will be ever expanding

Moderation Courses Yr2 and Yr6

Literacy training – Dyslexia training (whole school)

Safeguarding face to face – whole school

Maths training – Jenny Cook consultant  

Educational consultant to prepare, chair and support pupils and their families through the EHC review process

Parents/Carers to feel supported through the review process for the EHCP

97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

DVD players to support pupils in their home school transport, providing practical solutions to the difficulties they find in transitions.

Pupils to manage home/school transport more successfully



Individual play therapy for specific children to help children recognise, talk and work through life experiences which have been traumatic and impacting on their lives inside of school and outside

Play therapist to work with pupils who are prioritised by SMT and through reviews etc

Play therapist has worked with 10 pupils individually


6 pupils in groups of 3


Class groups throughout the school

Attendance/input from Play therapist in review meetings to offer insight into strategies parents/carers can use in the home setting to support with our childrens big feelings

Play therapist to offer advice/support to parents/carers through review meetings, bridging the gap between home and school

Play therapist has supported all LAC pupils and TAC pupils parents/carers that are on her caseload throughout the year

Behaviour intervention around the school for individuals who need additional support

Identified Support Assistant within the school

EEF 4+ months closing the gap



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,709


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Dyslexia training for staff

84% of pupils last year made their predicted progress in reading

81% met their exceeding predicted target  






Maths training – Make it, draw it, write it Using manipulatives

EEF guidance states Manipulatives and representations can be powerful tools for supporting pupils to engage with mathematical ideas.




Embedding awe and wonder throughout the curriculum to develop pupils spoken language and literacy skills and engages the children in their learning – whole school approach

Pupil Questionnaire showed that 34% of pupils liked learning and that 78% liked working with a partner or in a group

91.59% attendance and is continually above 90%



Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

Improved engagement in lessons

  • 2021 - 170 incidents
  • Spring term 2022 – 145 incidents

Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022 Physical Intervention incidents fell by 45%




Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 1,175


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Identified children to undertake Specialist Teaching Team assessments to identify areas of learning difficulty, inform teaching and learning. Prepare EHC for next phase

Children’s primary need can change from SEMH when they are safe and secure in the setting.

2021/22 –   6pupils in year 6 change primary need and transferred to other specialist settings rather than SEMH (3 returning to mainstream setting)

3, 5




Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £116,924.78


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

The school employs a play therapist to support children, staff and parents/carers in the understanding of the impact of trauma and attachment on pupils social, emotional, mental health needs, and the impact on the child’s personal development and growth

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 93% felt safe in school
  • 96% felt adults try to sort worries



The school employs a Teaching Assistant to specifically support staff with pupils that are displaying behaviours beyond the norm within the classroom setting. These children are usually displaying significantly increased behaviours during times of social care intervention, unstable times within the family home etc

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 92% felt Fortuna helps them manage their behaviour
  • 96% felt school helped them make good choices



Attendance –

93.25% (May 22)

The school employs an Independent Education Consultant to support parents/carers through the EHCP review process ensuring the pupils are placed in the right educational setting to meet their needs

EEF - Parental engagement has a positive impact , on average 4 months additional progress


96% attendance at reviews by parents/carers


97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

The schools nurture ethos and approach is developed through dedicated activities such as breakfast, snacktime, dinner and planned choosing times 

66% of pupils stated that these parts of the day were the ones they enjoyed most 



To support families and children who need additional support for basic needs




Total budgeted cost: £ 132,808.78

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 - 22 academic year.

Teacher assessments for 2021-22 showed:



Not Met

Predicted Progress


67 pupils


13 pupils





65 pupils


15 pupils



27 pupils had phonics interventions – 25 have made progress

  • 1/26 pupils Moved 1 set since January 2022
  • 4/26 pupils moved 2 sets since January 2022
  • 6/26 moved 3 sets since January 2022
  • 11/26 moved 4 sets since January 2022
  • 2/26 moved 5 sets since January 2022
  • 3/26 moved 7 sets since January 2022


24/27 pupils started below Autumn term Year 1 age expected

  • 2/26 pupils have completed the phonics scheme and moved to Year 2 spellings
  • 6/26 are at age expected for Year 1 phonics






Not Met

Predicted Progress


66 pupils


14 pupils





63 pupils


17 pupils





Not Met

Predicted Progress


62 pupils


18 pupils





51 pupils






Although all of our children are classed as vulnerable because they have an EHCP, as a school we feel it necessary to categorise our pupils using a variety of terms when looking at minority groups. The results from 21/22 show that there is no difference in the progress rates between these groups and the other pupils


CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 8 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 7 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 34 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 7 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 8 met target, 9 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 33 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 4 met target, 5 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 9 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 6 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 1 met targets, 1 made progress

FSM (43) – 27 met targets, 32 made predicted



Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England




Read Write Inc


White Rose Maths

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

Planning, implementation and review

We used all aspects of school assessment data to inform our pupil premium strategy; attainment, behaviour, social care input with families and attainment

The implementation of our pupil premium strategy will be reviewed in an on-going cycle of pupil attainment across all the areas of need for our children. The effectiveness of the support and practice being implemented will be assessed both on individual need and group.

We have used the EEF implementation guide to help us develop our strategy, particularly when looking at the impact the activities and approaches are likely to have.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural needs of our pupils we need to be able to support our parents and carers in a variety of ways. This can mean access to the play therapist, CAFO, educational consultant for EHCP reviews and afterschool clubs

 Key principles

The key principals behind our pupil premium strategy are:

  • To support our pupils in accessing the curriculum, narrowing the gap in their learning
  • To develop our pupils behaviour management skills, exploring with them self regulation, reflection and positive behaviours
  • To develop pupils social and emotional well being



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils baseline assessments show that children are working below national expectations when they start at Fortuna


Discussions with parents and information from children’s previous education settings highlight that pupils have significant gaps in their learning due to missed education. Pupils having reduced timetables, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have caused this.


Previous traumatic experiences impact on children’s social and emotional development. Pupils Boxall Profile assessments show that children developmentally are functioning emotionally at a level significantly below their mainstream peers


Physical Intervention data, assessment data and welfare information about the children correlate and show that when pupils are experiencing trauma and disruption in their home lives this impacts their ability to access education


Pupils attitudes towards school and education are negative. The children do not see themselves as learners and struggle to be in the classroom environment accessing the curriculum. Behaviour data shows this as Physical Intervention is higher when the pupils first start at Fortuna


Pupils out of school experiences can be limited due to families backgrounds, pupils behaviours and their circumsatnces. This makes it extremely difficult for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and apply it in their learning, particularly in Literacy.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress towards Success Criteria

Pupils will close the gap in their learning, focus on the core subjects of Maths, Literacy and Science 

For 100% of pupils  to reach their predicted progress targets and 80% to meet their extended targets in reading, writing and maths


Staff will use progressive and developmentally linked plans for choosing related to the boxall profile to support the pupil's social and emotional development.


Pupils will develop targeted strands for personal development identified in their Boxall Profile assessments


All pupils to have access to the Ladybird project run by Di Hoyer (play therapist) to develop a sense of self and self regulation

All pupils will take part in group therapy sessions

Classess are on a rota timetable throughout the year

To enrich the curriculum, giving pupils real life experiences to use within the classroom setting, enhancing their spoken language and writing

Educational visits

Lincolnshire show – whole school

Activities away – Yr 6

End of year celebrations – whole school

Pantomime – whole school

Wonderdome – Keystage 2


Teachers to be supported in the development of their roles as subject leads

School Improvement Partner to support with Deep Dive experiences


Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

School Improvement Partner to complete lesson observations alongside members of SMT


Staff to develop their skills to be able to support pupils both academically and emotionally through nurture

Staff CPD will be ever expanding

Moderation Courses Yr2 and Yr6

Literacy training – Dyslexia training (whole school)

Safeguarding face to face – whole school

Maths training – Jenny Cook consultant  

Educational consultant to prepare, chair and support pupils and their families through the EHC review process

Parents/Carers to feel supported through the review process for the EHCP

97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

DVD players to support pupils in their home school transport, providing practical solutions to the difficulties they find in transitions.

Pupils to manage home/school transport more successfully



Individual play therapy for specific children to help children recognise, talk and work through life experiences which have been traumatic and impacting on their lives inside of school and outside

Play therapist to work with pupils who are prioritised by SMT and through reviews etc

Play therapist has worked with 10 pupils individually


6 pupils in groups of 3


Class groups throughout the school

Attendance/input from Play therapist in review meetings to offer insight into strategies parents/carers can use in the home setting to support with our childrens big feelings

Play therapist to offer advice/support to parents/carers through review meetings, bridging the gap between home and school

Play therapist has supported all LAC pupils and TAC pupils parents/carers that are on her caseload throughout the year

Behaviour intervention around the school for individuals who need additional support

Identified Support Assistant within the school

EEF 4+ months closing the gap



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,709


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Dyslexia training for staff

84% of pupils last year made their predicted progress in reading

81% met their exceeding predicted target  






Maths training – Make it, draw it, write it Using manipulatives

EEF guidance states Manipulatives and representations can be powerful tools for supporting pupils to engage with mathematical ideas.




Embedding awe and wonder throughout the curriculum to develop pupils spoken language and literacy skills and engages the children in their learning – whole school approach

Pupil Questionnaire showed that 34% of pupils liked learning and that 78% liked working with a partner or in a group

91.59% attendance and is continually above 90%



Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

Improved engagement in lessons

  • 2021 - 170 incidents
  • Spring term 2022 – 145 incidents

Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022 Physical Intervention incidents fell by 45%




Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 1,175


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Identified children to undertake Specialist Teaching Team assessments to identify areas of learning difficulty, inform teaching and learning. Prepare EHC for next phase

Children’s primary need can change from SEMH when they are safe and secure in the setting.

2021/22 –   6pupils in year 6 change primary need and transferred to other specialist settings rather than SEMH (3 returning to mainstream setting)

3, 5




Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £116,924.78


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

The school employs a play therapist to support children, staff and parents/carers in the understanding of the impact of trauma and attachment on pupils social, emotional, mental health needs, and the impact on the child’s personal development and growth

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 93% felt safe in school
  • 96% felt adults try to sort worries



The school employs a Teaching Assistant to specifically support staff with pupils that are displaying behaviours beyond the norm within the classroom setting. These children are usually displaying significantly increased behaviours during times of social care intervention, unstable times within the family home etc

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 92% felt Fortuna helps them manage their behaviour
  • 96% felt school helped them make good choices



Attendance –

93.25% (May 22)

The school employs an Independent Education Consultant to support parents/carers through the EHCP review process ensuring the pupils are placed in the right educational setting to meet their needs

EEF - Parental engagement has a positive impact , on average 4 months additional progress


96% attendance at reviews by parents/carers


97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

The schools nurture ethos and approach is developed through dedicated activities such as breakfast, snacktime, dinner and planned choosing times 

66% of pupils stated that these parts of the day were the ones they enjoyed most 



To support families and children who need additional support for basic needs




Total budgeted cost: £ 132,808.78

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 - 22 academic year.

Teacher assessments for 2021-22 showed:



Not Met

Predicted Progress


67 pupils


13 pupils





65 pupils


15 pupils



27 pupils had phonics interventions – 25 have made progress

  • 1/26 pupils Moved 1 set since January 2022
  • 4/26 pupils moved 2 sets since January 2022
  • 6/26 moved 3 sets since January 2022
  • 11/26 moved 4 sets since January 2022
  • 2/26 moved 5 sets since January 2022
  • 3/26 moved 7 sets since January 2022


24/27 pupils started below Autumn term Year 1 age expected

  • 2/26 pupils have completed the phonics scheme and moved to Year 2 spellings
  • 6/26 are at age expected for Year 1 phonics






Not Met

Predicted Progress


66 pupils


14 pupils





63 pupils


17 pupils





Not Met

Predicted Progress


62 pupils


18 pupils





51 pupils






Although all of our children are classed as vulnerable because they have an EHCP, as a school we feel it necessary to categorise our pupils using a variety of terms when looking at minority groups. The results from 21/22 show that there is no difference in the progress rates between these groups and the other pupils


CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 8 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 7 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 34 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 7 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 8 met target, 9 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 33 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 4 met target, 5 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 9 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 6 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 1 met targets, 1 made progress

FSM (43) – 27 met targets, 32 made predicted



Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England




Read Write Inc


White Rose Maths

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

Planning, implementation and review

We used all aspects of school assessment data to inform our pupil premium strategy; attainment, behaviour, social care input with families and attainment

The implementation of our pupil premium strategy will be reviewed in an on-going cycle of pupil attainment across all the areas of need for our children. The effectiveness of the support and practice being implemented will be assessed both on individual need and group.

We have used the EEF implementation guide to help us develop our strategy, particularly when looking at the impact the activities and approaches are likely to have.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural needs of our pupils we need to be able to support our parents and carers in a variety of ways. This can mean access to the play therapist, CAFO, educational consultant for EHCP reviews and afterschool clubs

 Key principles

The key principals behind our pupil premium strategy are:

  • To support our pupils in accessing the curriculum, narrowing the gap in their learning
  • To develop our pupils behaviour management skills, exploring with them self regulation, reflection and positive behaviours
  • To develop pupils social and emotional well being



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils baseline assessments show that children are working below national expectations when they start at Fortuna


Discussions with parents and information from children’s previous education settings highlight that pupils have significant gaps in their learning due to missed education. Pupils having reduced timetables, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions have caused this.


Previous traumatic experiences impact on children’s social and emotional development. Pupils Boxall Profile assessments show that children developmentally are functioning emotionally at a level significantly below their mainstream peers


Physical Intervention data, assessment data and welfare information about the children correlate and show that when pupils are experiencing trauma and disruption in their home lives this impacts their ability to access education


Pupils attitudes towards school and education are negative. The children do not see themselves as learners and struggle to be in the classroom environment accessing the curriculum. Behaviour data shows this as Physical Intervention is higher when the pupils first start at Fortuna


Pupils out of school experiences can be limited due to families backgrounds, pupils behaviours and their circumsatnces. This makes it extremely difficult for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and apply it in their learning, particularly in Literacy.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress towards Success Criteria

Pupils will close the gap in their learning, focus on the core subjects of Maths, Literacy and Science 

For 100% of pupils  to reach their predicted progress targets and 80% to meet their extended targets in reading, writing and maths


Staff will use progressive and developmentally linked plans for choosing related to the boxall profile to support the pupil's social and emotional development.


Pupils will develop targeted strands for personal development identified in their Boxall Profile assessments


All pupils to have access to the Ladybird project run by Di Hoyer (play therapist) to develop a sense of self and self regulation

All pupils will take part in group therapy sessions

Classess are on a rota timetable throughout the year

To enrich the curriculum, giving pupils real life experiences to use within the classroom setting, enhancing their spoken language and writing

Educational visits

Lincolnshire show – whole school

Activities away – Yr 6

End of year celebrations – whole school

Pantomime – whole school

Wonderdome – Keystage 2


Teachers to be supported in the development of their roles as subject leads

School Improvement Partner to support with Deep Dive experiences


Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

School Improvement Partner to complete lesson observations alongside members of SMT


Staff to develop their skills to be able to support pupils both academically and emotionally through nurture

Staff CPD will be ever expanding

Moderation Courses Yr2 and Yr6

Literacy training – Dyslexia training (whole school)

Safeguarding face to face – whole school

Maths training – Jenny Cook consultant  

Educational consultant to prepare, chair and support pupils and their families through the EHC review process

Parents/Carers to feel supported through the review process for the EHCP

97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

DVD players to support pupils in their home school transport, providing practical solutions to the difficulties they find in transitions.

Pupils to manage home/school transport more successfully



Individual play therapy for specific children to help children recognise, talk and work through life experiences which have been traumatic and impacting on their lives inside of school and outside

Play therapist to work with pupils who are prioritised by SMT and through reviews etc

Play therapist has worked with 10 pupils individually


6 pupils in groups of 3


Class groups throughout the school

Attendance/input from Play therapist in review meetings to offer insight into strategies parents/carers can use in the home setting to support with our childrens big feelings

Play therapist to offer advice/support to parents/carers through review meetings, bridging the gap between home and school

Play therapist has supported all LAC pupils and TAC pupils parents/carers that are on her caseload throughout the year

Behaviour intervention around the school for individuals who need additional support

Identified Support Assistant within the school

EEF 4+ months closing the gap



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,709


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Dyslexia training for staff

84% of pupils last year made their predicted progress in reading

81% met their exceeding predicted target  






Maths training – Make it, draw it, write it Using manipulatives

EEF guidance states Manipulatives and representations can be powerful tools for supporting pupils to engage with mathematical ideas.




Embedding awe and wonder throughout the curriculum to develop pupils spoken language and literacy skills and engages the children in their learning – whole school approach

Pupil Questionnaire showed that 34% of pupils liked learning and that 78% liked working with a partner or in a group

91.59% attendance and is continually above 90%



Teachers and SMT to be supported through the CPD lesson Observations

Improved engagement in lessons

  • 2021 - 170 incidents
  • Spring term 2022 – 145 incidents

Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022 Physical Intervention incidents fell by 45%




Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 1,175


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

Identified children to undertake Specialist Teaching Team assessments to identify areas of learning difficulty, inform teaching and learning. Prepare EHC for next phase

Children’s primary need can change from SEMH when they are safe and secure in the setting.

2021/22 –   6pupils in year 6 change primary need and transferred to other specialist settings rather than SEMH (3 returning to mainstream setting)

3, 5




Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £116,924.78


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Progress towards Activity

The school employs a play therapist to support children, staff and parents/carers in the understanding of the impact of trauma and attachment on pupils social, emotional, mental health needs, and the impact on the child’s personal development and growth

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 93% felt safe in school
  • 96% felt adults try to sort worries



The school employs a Teaching Assistant to specifically support staff with pupils that are displaying behaviours beyond the norm within the classroom setting. These children are usually displaying significantly increased behaviours during times of social care intervention, unstable times within the family home etc

Pupils questionnaires show that

  • 92% felt Fortuna helps them manage their behaviour
  • 96% felt school helped them make good choices



Attendance –

93.25% (May 22)

The school employs an Independent Education Consultant to support parents/carers through the EHCP review process ensuring the pupils are placed in the right educational setting to meet their needs

EEF - Parental engagement has a positive impact , on average 4 months additional progress


96% attendance at reviews by parents/carers


97.5% of parents/carers took part in the review process of their child’s EHCP supported by Lynn Whitworth (Education Consultation)

The schools nurture ethos and approach is developed through dedicated activities such as breakfast, snacktime, dinner and planned choosing times 

66% of pupils stated that these parts of the day were the ones they enjoyed most 



To support families and children who need additional support for basic needs




Total budgeted cost: £ 132,808.78

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 - 22 academic year.

Teacher assessments for 2021-22 showed:



Not Met

Predicted Progress


67 pupils


13 pupils





65 pupils


15 pupils



27 pupils had phonics interventions – 25 have made progress

  • 1/26 pupils Moved 1 set since January 2022
  • 4/26 pupils moved 2 sets since January 2022
  • 6/26 moved 3 sets since January 2022
  • 11/26 moved 4 sets since January 2022
  • 2/26 moved 5 sets since January 2022
  • 3/26 moved 7 sets since January 2022


24/27 pupils started below Autumn term Year 1 age expected

  • 2/26 pupils have completed the phonics scheme and moved to Year 2 spellings
  • 6/26 are at age expected for Year 1 phonics






Not Met

Predicted Progress


66 pupils


14 pupils





63 pupils


17 pupils





Not Met

Predicted Progress


62 pupils


18 pupils





51 pupils






Although all of our children are classed as vulnerable because they have an EHCP, as a school we feel it necessary to categorise our pupils using a variety of terms when looking at minority groups. The results from 21/22 show that there is no difference in the progress rates between these groups and the other pupils


CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 8 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 7 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 34 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 6 met target, 7 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 10 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 8 met target, 9 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 2 met targets, 2 made progress

FSM (43) – 33 met targets, 36 made predicted



CIC (8 pupils)– 4 met target, 5 made their predicted progress

CIN (10 pupils) – 9 met targets, 10 made their predicted progress

Child Protection (1) 0 met target, 0 made predicted progress

Girls (9) – 6 met target, 7 made predicted progress

Forces (2) – 1 met targets, 1 made progress

FSM (43) – 27 met targets, 32 made predicted



Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England




Read Write Inc


White Rose Maths

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

Planning, implementation and review

We used all aspects of school assessment data to inform our pupil premium strategy; attainment, behaviour, social care input with families and attainment

The implementation of our pupil premium strategy will be reviewed in an on-going cycle of pupil attainment across all the areas of need for our children. The effectiveness of the support and practice being implemented will be assessed both on individual need and group.

We have used the EEF implementation guide to help us develop our strategy, particularly when looking at the impact the activities and approaches are likely to have.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name


Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

H Keegan

Pupil premium lead

T Claypole

Governor / Trustee lead

J Gatrick

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

The pupils who attend Fortuna school have previously had negative experiences of education and are therefore switched off to learning. They have low self esteem and self- worth, not seeing themselves as learners. They often have significant gaps in their learning and are not able to access the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Our children need a lot of support to develop their social and emotional skills which allow them to access the learning environment and curriculum.

High quality teaching which is tailored to meet the diverse and individual needs of our children is at the forefront of our ethos and approach. All of our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan and are therfore catagorised as vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Objectives for our disadvantaged pupils

  • To develop children’s sense of self and self esteem to enable them to access the national curriculum and learning environment.
  • To develop children’s self regulation to help them manage their behaviour and access the national curriculm consistently
  • To provide children with the opportunities to develop through play
  • To fill the gaps in their missed learning.
  • To narrow the gap in their attainment levels and those of their mainstream peers
  • To provide curriculum and personal social experiences outside of the pupils everyday experiences to enhance attainment and development
  • To provide pupils with a balanced and varied diet ensuring that one of their basic needs is being met
  • To support our children with the transitions from home to school, recognising the impact of attachment on pupils education. 

Pupil premium strategy

Fortuna’s Pupil Premium strategy plan is a tiered approach which has three elements, teaching, targeted support for pupils and wider support for parents/carers

Teaching – In order to narrow the gap in pupil’s progress we are investing in staff CPD and a tailored curriculum to meet the varied needs of our pupils

Targeted support – Pupils will be supported both with behaviour interventions and academic interventions

Wider Support – In order for us to support the diverse social, emotional and behavioural n