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Fortuna Fortuna

Sun Safety

 Dear Parents/Carer,

The summer is on its way and we are all looking forward to spending lots of time outside for playtimes and also lessons!

As part of our work to educate the children about sun safety, we have SPF50+ sun cream sprays in each classroom. We are going to encourage the children to reapply a small amount of lotion to key areas before playtime and lunchtime. This will be for their face, neck and arms.

Our main aim is to educate the children about sun safety and the importance of reapplying as well as recognizing other ways to stay safe, for example, hats, water bottles and staying in the shade.

If you do not want your child to use the sun lotion provided by the school and would prefer to supply your own please send it in a clearly labeled container.

If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Just a reminder school will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday 3 rd May and reopen Tuesday 4th May. Have a lovely bank holiday weekend.

