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  • Important Changes To School Meals

    Fri 13 Nov 2020 C Saunders

    13th November 2020



    Dear parents/carers,


    I am writing to inform you of some changes to lunchtime arrangements in the school, with effect from Monday 16th November.


    As you are aware, the school feel it is very important that the pupils are encouraged to have a broad, balanced and varied diet, both at home and in school.  For this reason, the school chef works very hard to provide a varied menu for the pupils. We recognise that not all pupils are going to like all meals so try to incorporate other elements to each meal. The daily meal that school offer consists of a main meal, side dishes, a dessert and daily offering of soup, bread and fruit.


    As a result of the limitations presented by COVID 19, pupils, during the first term had a sandwich at lunchtime.  These were temporary arrangements to allow time for the school to source the resources and meet the health and safety standards necessary, in order to enable the pupils to have a hot meal, in their classrooms.


    Following feedback from both parents/carers and pupils, it has been brought to my attention that some pupils are understandably finding it difficult making the transition of going back to hot meals.


    I have therefore decided that as from Monday 16th November, pupils will be informed of the hot meals available each day for the coming week.  They will be allowed to swap a maximum of two out of the five weekly hot meals for a sandwich, where a choice of filling will be available and vegetable sticks.

    I hope this goes some way to addressing some of the concerns raised in relation to some pupils not eating enough throughout the day, whilst still promoting the importance of a balanced diet and encouraging pupils to try a variety of foods.  School will continue to provide breakfasts daily for all pupils as well as milk and fruit at snack time.


    This will be in place until the end of this term, when I will review it again.


    Please, if you have any concerns or queries about your child's eating, contact the school to discuss them with your child's class teacher.


    I would like to thank you for your feedback and support in relation to this matter.

    Link To Current 2020 Menu


    Yours sincerely

    Mrs H Keegan

    Head of School
