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Fortuna Fortuna


Here are some films and collections of photographs showing the fantastic things we do and see in our school.

Darwin's Dragons

Still image for this video
We have been so lucky to have had Lindsay Galvin, Author of Dawin's Dragons, send the pupils of Fortuna School a very special message. Watch the clip to find out what Lidsay Galvins writing tip is!
Darwin's Dragons is set in 1835 and cabin boy Syms Covington is travelling with Charles Darwin to the Galapagos Islands where they are going to study lots of incredible creatures. They have no idea what discoveries Syms will make when he goes overboard in a storm trying to save Mr. Darwin and ends up all alone on an unexplored island.


It sounds such an exciting book, I bet you can't wait to have a listen to it! 


Even though this book is fiction, Charles Darwin was a real person and made some very important discoveries. Find out more about him on the links below-
