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Fortuna Fortuna

Maths Curriculum

Our Maths Curriculum 


At Fortuna Primary School we follow a 'stages not ages' approach to the teaching of mathematics following the Rising Stars Maths Curriculum. Children access the curriculum at a stage appropriate to their ability (be this above, at or below their chronological age). Mathematical concepts, skills and concepts are introduced over time and steadily built upon as children progress through the curriculum.


Our curriculum is organised into 5 strands: Arithmetic 1 (Place value, number, addition and subtraction), Geometry & Statistics, Measures, Arithmetic 2 (multiplication, division, fractions, decimals and percentages) and Reasoning. Typically, a day per week is spent on each strand and learning takes place over several weeks. The purpose of this is to aid skill and knowledge retention over time by ensuring children regularly revisit and develop on previous learning.


Children working below Stage 1, will be taught the maths content identified by the Early Years Foundation Stage until they are Stage 1 ready.


If you have any queries regarding the mathematics curriculum at Fortuna Primary contact our Maths Coordinator Mr Chaplin through school reception.


Medium Term Plans

Maths Vocabulary

Below is the documentation detailing how mathematical vocabulary will be used with our curriculum.

Maths Homework


All children have been given a homework folder or book by their class teacher, which should contain a maths activity each week.


Maths based homework activities should focus on practising existing skills your child already has.


For those children able to access a computer, tablet or mobile device, additional maths homework can be accessed using Sumdog. Read on to find out how Sumdog can be used to help develop your child's maths skills.


Sumdog Maths


Sumdog Maths is an online tool that helps children practice mental mathematics through a range of fun and engaging games. 


Early in the Autumn Term the children will be given a username and password to access the site. The mathematical content will then be set by each child's class teacher to ensure each child starts with a fair challenge. Sumdog will then monitor each individual child's progress and adapt by increasing or decreasing the level of challenge, feeding back this progress to the class teacher (it is important therefore your child works independently on Sumdog).


As Sumdog runs on Adobe Flash it will not work on iPads or iPhones, though a limited number of games are available as a free standalone application for iPad on the App Store (See link below).

Sumdog Launch Video
