I should like to inform you of the procedures regarding school closures for severe weather. We will always try to keep the school open, but occasionally this may not be possible.
If it snows overnight and we decide in the morning that the school will not be open:
• We will inform Lincs FM, 102.2 FM DAB Digital and and BBC Radio Lincolnshire 94.9 and 104.7 FM or who will announce it on their programmes and Lincolnshire County Council who will include it on their website.
• We will inform transport services, who in turn will contact all taxi operators and ask them not to collect children.
I am sure you can appreciate that as we have so many children at the school we cannot inform all parents individually, but where possible we will text you on the current mobile phone number we have for you on file. Therefore please listen to the radio announcements or check the County Council website.
If it snows during the day and we feel that we need to send the children home early:
• We will telephone parents/carers, starting with those who live in the worst hit areas, to let them know that children will be coming home early.
• We will contact transport services, who in turn will contact all taxi operators and ask them to arrive at school early.
Please make sure that you can be contacted and that if you change your telephone or mobile number you let us know.
Obviously Lincolnshire is a large county and we cannot always know what the weather is like where all the children live. We, therefore, understand that you may feel it would be unsafe for your child to travel to school because of the weather conditions; if this happens please contact the school so that your child’s absence can be authorised. Alternatively you may feel that they need to come home early because conditions have deteriorated during the day; if this is the case you need to contact the school so that we can organise your child’s transport to arrive early and we can get them home as soon as possible.
As your child may have to spend longer in the taxi than usual, or may want to play outside during the day at school, please ensure that they have a school sweatshirt and coat to keep them warm.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely
H Keegan,
Head of School