Welcome to Miss Boes Class
We have had a lovely start to the year. The children in our class are working so hard and getting stuck in with all the new things we are learning. We can not wait to see what the rest of the year brings and all that the children achieve.
This term our learning is class is based around the book Beowulf.
In literacy we have been looking at the book Beowulf. We have looked at a range of different persuasive techniques. The children have been working towards writing a persuasive letter too Mrs Keegan to persuade her to let us have a day off lessons for a Viking day.
In maths we have been learning a lot of mathematical skills. We have been looking at how we find a 1/2 and a 1/4 of a number as well measurements where we have been learning how to measure objects in mm, cm and m. This term we have also been focusing a lot on timetables looking at out 2, 3, 5 and 10. The children are making great progress with these.
In Science this term we are looking teeth. We have explored the different teeth we have in our mouth as well as looking at animal teeth. We even had a go at giving ourselves animal teeth.
PE is on a Thursday morning this term and we are looking at different fundamental skills.
Math Websites:
Great website for all subjects: