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Fortuna Fortuna

School Council

What is a school council?


A school council is a  group of pupils within a school who are elected by their peers to represent them and their views. They help to make decisions about how the school is run and take on projects that support the children’s learning and development, such as organising charity events, representing the school at outside events or ensuring the school is environmentally friendly.  


Why do we have a school council? 


  • It’s an important and useful way for us to provide leadership and development opportunities to pupils.
  • School councils are a great way for pupils to take on leadership rolespromote the voice of the children, problem solve and make an impact to their community.


What does Fortuna School's Council look like?


At Fortuna School our council is made up of 10, year 6 pupils who have been chosen to represent the pupils. The

pupils usually complete a term as an acting school council representative. This ensures that all year 6 pupils have the opportunity to participate. 


The school council does a number of things:

  • We meet with a grown up weekly to present, discuss and sort out problems that we believe will improve life at Fortuna school for all pupils. These could include school lunches, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events.
  • Members of the school council are responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed upon and reporting them in assemblies to the rest of the school
  • We choose a project that we feel will make an impact to our school environment and local community.


