Mrs Benson is in class on a Thursday morning to teach us Music. We are learning to recognise beat and rhythm within music and will be working towards creating a piece of music linked to the True story of the Three Little Pigs.
Art/ Textiles
This term we will be exploring different fabrics and will be working towards making a sock puppet. We will upload pictures as we go.
This term we will be exploring human and physical features of different countries around the world.
Diwali Day
Today we had a visitor in school to teach us about Diwali, we were able to dress up and learn some traditional Indian dances. We also looked at creating some symmetrical print patterns using paint. Then we did a fun science experiment making Fireworks in a bottle, as during Diwali celebrations fireworks are often used.
In our Topic lessons we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and about how life was for them. We have looked at food, housing, transport and we even did our own archaeological dig to uncover treasure!
In our Art lessons we have learnt about the artist Frida Kahlo, we spent time looking at her style of art and how she showed what she was feeling through her art work.
Here is an example of our work.