Fortuna School believes that developing pupil’s skills to communicate effectively, both orally and in the written word, and to read for a variety of purposes are essential, if children are to achieve their potential throughout their school life and into adult life.
Fortuna aims to develop children’s key skills within Literacy through an enriching, creative, broad and balanced learning environment.
Literacy is the driving subject for our whole school curriculum. Each topic/theme stems from an author study or text. Programmes of study in the other core subjects (except maths) and foundation subjects are taught linked to the texts.
Pupils are exposed to a variety of genres, texts and authors to foster a love of reading and books. Prior to any written work at the beginning of studying of a new text or author, pupils will be expected to spend time examining the text. They will be looking for examples of techniques, dissecting and discussing the author’s use of these techniques and the authors' intent. Their exposure to a wider range of vocabulary will also develop their own use of language. Pupils will then produce a written outcome using and applying the techniques/skills they have been taught and have been explored.
Phonics and Spelling
Children follow the Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc programme for phonics and spelling.
Children who are still working at EFYS or Year One literacy objectives follow the Phonics programme. Children are grouped according to their phonic knowledge and complete the reading activities within the programme. They apply their phonic skills through their literacy lessons.
Children who are working at Year 2 or above in literacy follow the spelling scheme and complete a structured programme in line with the Literacy National Curriculum.
Children all have reading books in school and home school reading books. These books are linked to either the phonics level they are learning or their reading age. The reading scheme in the school supports the teaching of phonics and spellings. All children are encouraged to read at home.