Fortuna School
“The equality duty supports good education and improves pupil outcomes. It helps a school to identify priorities such as underperformance, poor progression, and bullying. It does this by requiring it to collate evidence, take a look at the issues and consider taking action to improve the experience of different groups of pupils. It then helps it to focus on what can be done to tackle these issues and to improve outcomes by developing measurable equality objectives.” (Equality and Human Rights Commission · Last revised 07-2014)
How does Fortuna School comply with the public sector equality duty?
Attainment – Fortuna School looks at performance gaps between groups of pupils when analysing school data. We focus on girls and boys, children in public care, children whose parents are in the forces, and children with English as an additional language. When looking at outcomes for pupil’s staff consider intervention and support, which will be needed to narrow the gap. At Fortuna we use a variety of information including data analysis, lesson observations and discussions with pupils, parents and carers.
Participation in school life – At Fortuna we are continually looking for ways to enhance the learning and curriculum. When organising school activities teachers not only identify the children’s needs academically but also consider the wider environment for example, home situation, historical events in the pupils lives and additional physical needs.
Engage effectively in learning – Consideration is given to outside influences that may result in pupils and their families being unable to engage fully in school life for example school will employ a translator for parents of EAL pupils for annual reviews and other meetings, newsletters are translated into pupils first language for parents, transport is provided for those parents and carers who are unable to attend school events and meetings otherwise and the school allocates money in the budget to cover the cost of educational visitors and visits to ensure all pupils have access to the same opportunities.
Equality Objectives
To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through all appropriate curricular opportunities, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity
To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond the school
To narrow the gap in curricular attainment between boys and girls at the end of Key Stage 2.
To narrow the gap in curricular attainment for the minority groups in our school; girls, Children in Public Care (LAC), children whose families are in the forces and children who are entitled to free school meals, year on year.
To promote and develop positive attitudes to learning for all pupils through experiences both in and beyond the school
Recognise children may be emotionally and socially functioning as much younger children and need to consolidate their early learning experiences within school, giving them the curriculum and opportunities to be able to do this
Provide opportunities and experiences for children to acquire the necessary skills to play and interact constructively within their peer group.
Offer a curriculum, which meets the developmental needs of the “whole” child.
How do we eliminate discrimination and promote equality of opportunity ?
Fortuna school is committed to ensuring that members of the school community do not become victims of unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010. We have a series of policies and procedures in place to support us with this:
Accessibility policy
Anti-bullying policy
Behaviour Management policy
Child protection policy
Collective worship policy
Data protection policy
Equal opportunities policy
Equality and Diversity policy
Looked After and Vulnerable children policy
Racial Equaliity policy
Safeguarding policy
Safer recruitment policy
SEN policy
Some of these policies are available on the school website others are available from the school office
* Policies in bold are on the school website