Welcome to Mr William's Class
Miss Owen, Mr Williams & Mrs Moat
Hello everyone!
Welcome to our class page for 2024/25! Here you will find updates and pictures of our class activities throughout the year!
In literacy this term we will look at Middleworld based on Mayan culture. We are going to write a poem, fiction and non-fiction based off the book!
In Maths this term we will be starting off by looking at column method, as well as how to use different apparatus to measure. We will always be focusing on our times tables and fractions so make sure you get plenty of practice at home. The 99 club will be held regularly. Login to Sumdog and TT rockstars to improve your reactions!
In science this term, we will focus on living things including humans!
Other news
P.E. after October half term is Swimming Mondays! Please make sure you bring your swimming kit!