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Fortuna Fortuna




Autumn: We will be looking at how to recognise and understand emotions in ourselves and others. understanding who is special to us and what makes us special. 


Spring: We will be looking at how to keep healthy and how to be good friends. 


Summer: We will be looking at how we can contribute to the wider community and be safe. 




Autumn: We will be looking what Christians believe God is like and what he means to Christians.


Spring:  We will be looking at different stories from The Bible. 


Summer: We will be revisiting Christianity and looking at key features and symbols found in a Christian church. 




Autumn: We will be exploring the work of Kadinsky and looking at using the tools correctly and mixing colours. 


Spring: We will be exploring puppets and looking at making own for Jack and the beanstalk. 


Summer: We have 2 Art projects this term, we will be looking at self portraits and creating our own foam printing blocks.



Autumn: We will be looking at and researching sweet packaging and creating our own sweets for The Grubber. 


Spring: We will be looking at how sculptures are built and we will be creating our own beanstalk. 


Summer: We will be looking at healthy eating and how to make a healthy meal. 




Autumn: We will be looking at performing, singing and expression ourselves. We will be learning about understanding beats and rhythm. 


Spring: We have Miss Benson with us this term, we are leaving different pitches and playing different copy me games.




Autumn: We will be looking at events beyond living memory that are significant nationally and globally. 


Spring: We will be looking at the history of toys and looking at our favourite toys. 


Summer: We will be looking at significant individuals from the past that have contributed to world achievements. 




Autumn: We will be looking at using a simple compass and directions (North, East, South, West) and locational/directional language. 


Summer: We will be looking at using a simple compass and directions (North, East, South, West) and locational/directional language. We will explore features of a map and routes. 




Autumn: We will be looking at cooperative games and learning to take turns and listen to instructions.


Spring: We will be exploring different skills required if we have a ball, such as learning to roll and stop the ball, bouncing the ball into a target and throwing a ball into a target. 


Summer: This term we will be going swimming and learning how to be safe around/in water aswell as basic water skills. 
