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Fortuna Fortuna

For-Veggies Link

Fortuna School

Lincolnshire Roots Challenge Summary 


The School Council read the challenge and decided that we would like to make meal boxes at affordable prices for our pupils' families and friends of Fortuna. Initially we researched what a 'Meal Box' looked like and then brainstormed all our ideas for our project and the jobs that needed to be done. 


  • Prepare the planters in the school garden
  • Choose a name for our company 
  • Design a logo
  • Decide what foods we want to grow
  • Prices and sizes of our boxes
  • Look at recipes, healthy eating
  • Taste testing with school kitchen
  • How long will each plant take
  • How are we going to advertise
  • Grow herbs
  • Flyers, leaflets


After researching which vegetables would be ready to harvest in June, we have planted a variety of vegetables which we have grown from seed in the school garden. We have also created a logo for our company and decided on the company name "For-Veggies".


Using the vegetables we are growing as a base we have researched, taste tested and chosen three recipes to include in our 'meal boxes'. The pupils felt that it would be more cost effective and easier to package and transport vegetables rather than meat, fish and poultry. 


We had a visit from the ladies at Branston Potatoes to help us understand what our potatoes need to grow successfully and help us with our challenge.


The pupils have researched the cost of the other ingredients we will need to purchase and the cost of the packaging and taken this into consideration when deciding on the price to charge for a 'meal box'. 


We have kept a running record of our budget and have decided that we will include 2 choices of boxes. Each box will contain 2 main meals and a desert.


We used our school open morning as an opportunity to launch our product and have already taken 23 pre-orders for meal boxes. 


Our next steps are to promote our product through the school website and develop a QR code to add to the ‘Meal Boxes’ which will link to the recipes on the school website.


The pupils have all had responsibilities for different areas of the project; budgeting, advertising, growing and selling. 



For-Veggies Recipies

Meal Box 1

Meal Box 2

School Garden

Recipe testing

Buying supplies at Pennells thanks to their kind donation to our challenge

Selling Our Recipe Boxes
