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Fortuna Fortuna

Miss Rollins' Class

Welcome to Miss Rollins' Class


 Miss Rollins, Mrs Owen-Smith, Mrs Hagues and Miss Gregory


We are so lucky to have such a wonderful class! The children are great friends and have some great choosing times together. We love learning in our class and are very creative. Miss Rollins loves science and we can't wait to try some science experiements! 

Summer Term

This term our book is "The Jolly Postman" by Janet and Allan Ahlberg . We will be looking at letters and the key features of a letter. We will be building up to writing and posting letters of our own. 

In Science we will be looking at the  "Funny Bones" story and linking it to learning all about the skeleton and our bodies. 

We hope to spend more time outside with the weather hopefully getting warmer and dryer and will take some of our fun lessons out of the classroom. 

We have some lovely new choosings set up and lots of messy play and sensory choosings ready to go.

Summer Term

Dinosaur Day

Today we celebrated National Dinosaur day. We had an assembly where the adults read the book "Dinosaurs Love Underpants" we also did the Dinosaur Stomp dance all together. 

Our Literacy was an independent write where we had to retell the story, we all worked really hard and the adults in class and around school loved the work we had done. 

In science we looked at how salt and warm water can change the state of ice to water and we used this to help us to get our frozen dinosaurs out of the ice.

In crafts we decorated a pair of card underpants using tissue paper, we then painted our own dinosaur heads ready to make them open using science. 

Our play activities were even Dinosaur theme, it has ben a ROAR of a day.

Spring Term


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